Presentation & File-Share Guidelines

File share location & deadline

We kindly request that you submit presentation materials to the relevant folder virtual within shared FEAST directory (shared with presenters via email) or send it to by July 1, 2024.

Keep in mind that you can update the final version of your presentation before the conference dates so long as there are no substantial changes to the content. 

Slide deck & virtual poster guidelines

  • Please note that ALL poster viewings will be virtual (uploaded on the FEAST website as a single page pdf file), and posters will be presented as (remote or in-person)5 minute-talks.
  • You can use any standard poster template that fits in a one-page pdf format. Please upload your pdfs to the file-share folder named as explained in the below section. Alternatively, you can send them to
  • There aren’t specific dimensions or a specific template required for the digital posters as long as it’s a one-page document organized in a standard poster format.
  • Our priority is to collect materials that will be interpreted live as soon as possible. Should you require more time, we urge you to prioritize your mini-presentation slide deck over the poster pdf.
  • For stage presentations (45 minutes including Q&A) and mini presentations (5 minutes each), please use this slide template that marks the corners of the slide allocated for projecting the interpreters and presenters on stage or remotely. You can find the same template in the shared FEAST directory (shared with presenters via email).
  • You can upload your slides as a .pdf or .pptx file, or as a google slides slide deck. 

File names & video attachments

  • Please name your presentation file in the following format “SubmissionID#_Stage/Poster__PresentationTitle_Presenter1_Presenter2_Presenter 3.pdf/pptx”. (e.g. 82_Stage_XYZ Structure in XSL_JaneDoe_JohnDoe.pptx)
  • If you have any video attachments on your slides, please make sure that the added footage plays on the slideshow.
  • Should you need to add video attachments to the same directory as your presentation, you can create a separate folder named “SubmissionID#_PresentationTitle” within the relevant shared directory and upload your video materials along with your presentation there. 
  • Please make sure that your video attachments are saved in the .mp4 format and appropriately linked or added to your slide deck.
  • If you’re using QR codes for linking materials, please make sure that the access settings on the directed links are set appropriately.