Newsletter Contributions
- “Contagion, Common Exposure, and Selection: Empirical Modeling of the Theories and Substance of Interdependence in Political Science” (w/ Jude C. Hays), Concepts & Methods: Newsletter of the International Political Science Association 4(2):3-9, 2008.
- Web Appendix: Contains an extended topically organized reference list for applied spatial-econometric modeling in social & political science & associated full citation list.
- “Quantitative Empirical Methods and Context Conditionality [extended original submission],” CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association 14(1): 20-24, 2003.
- “A GAUSS Procedure to Estimate Panel-Corrected Standard-Errors with Non-rectangular and/or Missing Data,” The Political Methodologist, 1996.
- Procedure: PCSE Command File (*.CMD); Announcement: PCSE Documentation (*.PDF); Instructions: PCSE Instructions (*.TXT).