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Articles and Chapters
- “STADL Up! The Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model for TSCS Data Analysis” (w/ Scott J. Cook & Jude C. Hays), American Political Science Review, 2022.
- “The interest premium for left government: Regression‐discontinuity estimates” (w/ Joe T. Ornstein & Jude C. Hays), Economics & Politics, 2022.
- “Econometric Modeling: From Measurement, Prediction, & Causal Inference to Causal-Response Estimation” in Curini, L. & Franzese, R., eds., Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science & International Relations, Sage Publications, 2020.
- “Model Specification in Spatial Interdependence” (w/ Scott J. Cook & Jude C. Hays), in Curini, L. & Franzese, R., eds., Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science & International Relations, Sage Publications, 2020.
- “Fixed Effects in Rare Events Data: A Penalized Maximum Likelihood Solution” (w/ Scott J. Cook & Jude C. Hays), Political Science Research & Method, 2020.
- “The Comparative and International Political Economy of Anti-Globalization Populism” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford UP, 2019. (DOI).
- “A Comparison of the Small-Sample Properties of Several Estimators for Spatial-Lag Count Models” (w/ Jude C. Hays) in Franzese, ed., Advances in Political Methodology, Elgar Research Collections, 2017, pp. 180-207.
- “Stolper-Samuelson and Anti-Globalization Populism,” Harvard Economics Review Fall 2017.
- “Spatial- and Spatiotemporal-Autoregressive Probit Models of Interdependent Binary Outcomes” (w/ Jude C. Hays & Scott J. Cook), Political Science Research & Method 4(1):151-73, Jan 2016.
- “Introduction to Quantitative Research in Political Science” in Franzese, ed., Quantitative Research in Political Science: Empirical Methods & Applications, 2015, pp. xix-xlvi.
- “Modeling History Dependence in Network-Behavior Coevolution” (w/ Jude C. Hays & Aya Kachi), Political Analysis 20(2): 175-190, 2012.
- “The Multiple Effects of Multiple Policymakers: Veto Actors Bargaining in Common Pools” Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 40(3): 341-69, 2010.
- Data & Code for implementation and replication (Lotus 1-2-3 and E-Views formats).
- “A Spatial Model Incorporating Dynamic, Endogenous Network Interdependence: A Political Science Application” (w/ Jude C. Hays & Aya Kachi), Statistical Methodology 7(3): 406-28, 2010.
- Web Appendix: Contains an extended topically organized reference list for applied spatial-econometric modeling in social science, emphasizing political science; a brief description of the intellectual-historical genesis of Galton’s Problem; a brief discussion elaborating upon Anselin’s (2002, 2006) distinction of spatial-econometric & spatial-statistical approaches to spatial analysis; analytic and simulation results demonstrating that the S-ML estimator described and applied in the text perform well and greatly outperform simpler least-squares estimators; additional network-estimates graphs from the illustrative empirical analysis; and a complete citation list for the paper and the appendix.
- Data and Code for implementation and replication (Stata format).
- “Empirical Modeling of Spatial Interdependence in Time-Series Cross-Sections” (w/ Jude C. Hays) in S. Pickel, G. Pickel, H-J. Lauth, D. Jahn, eds., Methoden der vergleichenden Politik- und Sozialwissenschaft: Neue Entwicklungen und Anwendungen. (Methods of Comparative Political and Social Science: New Developments & Applications), Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2009, pp. 233-62. (No new data & code to replicate; see Comparative Political Studies article for data & code for application in the chapter.)
- “Interdependence in Comparative Politics: Substance, Theory, Empirics, Substance” (w/ Jude C. Hays), Comparative Political Studies “Frontiers of Comparative Politics: 40th Anniversary Issue” 41(4/5):742-80, 2008.
- Web Appendix: Contains an extended topically organized reference list for applied spatial-econometric modeling in social and political science; a brief description of the intellectual origins of Galton’s Problem; a brief discussion elaborating upon Anselin’s (2002, 2006) distinction of spatial-econometric & spatial-statistical approaches to spatial analysis; a formal-theoretical model of capital-tax competition (Persson & Tabellini 2000:ch. 12); analytic results for the biases of least-squares estimators of spatial-lag models; additional technical exposition of appropriate moment and likelihood estimators for spatial-lag models; and a complete citation list for the paper and the appendix.
- Data and Code for implementation and replication (Stata format, except Steinmo & Swank reanalysis in Matlab format).
- “Empirical Models of Spatial Interdependence” (w/ Jude C. Hays) in Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology, J. Box-Steffensmeier, H. Brady, D. Collier, eds., Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 570-604.
- NOTE: This version corrects a pair of errors in the published version, regarding equations (14) and (15), the robust LM test-statistics for spatial-lag and spatial-error models. Just the corrections are given here.
- Data and Code for implementation and replication (Matlab format).
- “Inequality & Unemployment, Redistribution & Insurance, and Participation: A Theoretical Model and an Empirical System of Endogenous Equations” (w/ Jude C. Hays) in Democracy, Inequality, and Representation, P. Beramendi & C. Anderson, eds., Russell Sage, 2008, pp. 232-77.
- “Spatial-Econometric Models of Cross-Sectional Interdependence in Political-Science Panel and Time-Series-Cross-Section Data” (w/ Jude C. Hays), Political Analysis 15(2):140-64, 2007.
- Data and Code for implementation and replication (Matlab format).
- “Multi-Causality, Context-Conditionality, and Endogeneity,” in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics, C. Boix, S. Stokes, eds., Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 27-72.
- Also Circulated under Title: “Context Matters: The Challenge of Multi-Causality, Context-Conditionality, and Endogeneity for Empirical Research in Comparative Politics”
- “Fiscal Policy with Multiple Policymakers: Veto Actors and Deadlock; Collective Action and Common Pools; Delegation, Bargaining, and Compromise,” in Veto Players and Policy Change, Hideko Magara, ed., Waseda University Press, 2007, pp. 118-61 (in Japanese; translation to which by: Hiroshi Tsukada).
- Japanese Citation: ロバート・J. フランツェーゼ,Jr.著「複数の政策決定者を伴う財政政策-拒否権アクターとデッドロック,集合行為と共有資源,交渉と妥協-」,眞柄秀子・井戸正伸編『拒否権プレイヤーと政策転換』早稲田大学出版部,2007年,118-61頁。
- Data, Presentation Figures & Tables, and Code for implementation and replication (Lotus 1-2-3 and E-Views formats).
- “Empirical Models of International Capital-Tax Competition” (w/ Jude C. Hays) in International Taxation Handbook, G. Gregoriou, C. Read, eds., Elsevier Press, 2007, pp. 43-72.
- “Strategic Interaction among EU Governments in Active-Labor-Market Policymaking: Subsidiarity and Policy Coordination under the European Employment Strategy” (w/ Jude C. Hays), European Union Politics 7(2):167-89, 2006.
- Data and Code for implementation and replication (Matlab format).
- Sage Award for Best Article Published in European Union Politics in 2006, Volume 7.
- “Political-Economic Cycles” (w/ Karen Long Jusko) in Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, D. Wittman, B. Weingast, eds., Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 545-64.
- “Adaptive Management of the Global Climate Problem: Bridging the Gap between Climate Research and Climate Policy” (w/ J Arvai, G Bridge, N Dolsak, T Koontz, A Luginbuhl, P Robbins, K Richards, KS Korfmacher, B Sohngen, J Tansey, A Thompson), Climatic Change 78(1):217-25, 2006.
- “Empirical Strategies for Various Manifestations of Multilevel Data,” Political Analysis 13(4):430-46, 2005.
- Web Appendix: extremely brief elaboration on within, between, and shrinkage estimators.
- Warren E. Miller Award for Best Paper Published in Political Analysis in 2005, Vol. 13, Awarded by the Society for Political Methodology, Organized Section of the American Political Science Association.
- “Strategic Interactions of the ECB, Wage Bargainers, and Governments: A Review of Theory, Evidence, and Recent Experience,” in Institutional Conflicts and Complementarities: Monetary Policy and Wage Bargaining Institutions in EMU, P. Mooslechner, M. Schuerz, R. Franzese, eds., Kluwer, 2004: 5-42.
- “Participation, Veto Actors, and Policy Responsiveness in the Evolution and Reform of Health Care in Developed Democracies,” in Fukusi Saiken No Seijigaku (Reconstructing the Welfare State), Hideko Magara, ed., 2003, forthcoming from Routledge.
- “Adaptive Management and Capacity Approaches to Global Climate Change: Local, National, Regional, and Global Political Considerations,” in ARGCC: Adaptive Research & Governance in Climate Change: Proceedings for the Workshop on the Human Dimensions of Policy Change, May 2003, pp. 79-91.
- “Multiple Hands on the Wheel: Empirically Modeling Partial Delegation and Shared Control of Monetary Policy in the Open and Institutionalized Economy,” Political Analysis 11(4):445-74, 2003 (original submission = extended version, with additional analyses and results).
- Data: All data used in the paper (*.xls format).
- “Electoral and Partisan Cycles in Economic Policies and Outcomes,” Annual Reviews of Political Science, Vol. 5: 369-421, 2002.
- “Comparative Institutional Advantage: The Scope for Divergence within European Economic Integration” (w/ James Mosher), European Union Politics 3(2):177-204, 2002.
- “Strategic Interactions of Monetary Policymakers and Wage/Price Bargainers: A Review with Implications for the European Common-Currency Area,” Empirica: Journal of Applied Economics and Economic Policy 28(4): 457-86, 2001.
- “Wage Bargaining Under EMU” (w/ Peter Mooslechner, Martin Schuerz), introduction to Empirica: Journal of Applied Economics and Economic Policy 28(4): 321-3, 2001.
- “Institutional and Sectoral Interactions in Monetary Policy and Wage-Price Bargaining,” in Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, P. Hall and D. Soskice, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 104-44. (Chinese translation available from SDX Publishers).
- Nominated for The Westview Press Award for best paper by a graduate student, MPSA 1994.
- Data: (Country Codes in OECD order: 1=US, 2=Japan, 3=(West) Germany, 4=France, 5=Italy, 6=U.K., 7=Canada, 8=Austria, 9=Belgium, 10=Denmark, 11=Finland, 12=Greece, 13=Ireland, 14=Netherlands, 15=Norway, 16=Portugal, 17=Spain, 18=Sweden, 19=Switzerland, 20=Australia, 21=New Zealand)
- “Electoral and Partisan Manipulation of Public Debt in Developed Democracies, 1956-1990,” in Institutions, Politics and Fiscal Policy, R. Strauch, J. Von Hagen, eds., Kluwer Academic Press, 2000, pp. 61-83.
- Data: (Country Codes in OECD order: 1=US, 2=Japan, 3=(West) Germany, 4=France, 5=Italy, 6=U.K., 7=Canada, 8=Austria, 9=Belgium, 10=Denmark, 11=Finland, 12=Greece, 13=Ireland, 14=Netherlands, 15=Norway, 16=Portugal, 17=Spain, 18=Sweden, 19=Switzerland, 20=Australia, 21=New Zealand)
- “Institutional Dimensions of Coordinating Wage-Bargaining and Monetary Policy,” (w/ Peter A. Hall) in Unions, Employers, and Central Banks: Macroeconomic Coordination and Institutional Change in Social Market Economies, T. Iversen, J. Pontusson, D. Soskice, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 173-204.
- Data: (Country Codes in OECD order: 1=US, 2=Japan, 3=(West) Germany, 4=France, 5=Italy, 6=U.K., 7=Canada, 8=Austria, 9=Belgium, 10=Denmark, 11=Finland, 12=Greece, 13=Ireland, 14=Netherlands, 15=Norway, 16=Portugal, 17=Spain, 18=Sweden, 19=Switzerland, 20=Australia, 21=New Zealand)
- “Credibly Conservative Monetary Policy and Labor-Goods Market Organization: A Review with Implications for ECB-Led Monetary Policy in Europe,” in The History of the Bundesbank: Lessons for the European Central Bank, J. de Haan, ed. Routledge, 2000, pp. 97-124.
- “Partially Independent Central Banks, Politically Responsive Governments, and Inflation,” American Journal of Political Science 43(3): 681-706, 1999.
- “Mixed Signals: Central Bank Independence, Coordinated Wage-Bargaining, and European Monetary Union” (with Peter A. Hall), International Organization 52(3): 505-36, 1998.
- Gregory Leubbert Award for best published article in comparative politics 1997/98, awarded by the Comparative Politics Organized Section of APSA.
- Data: All data employed in the paper; Archive: Archive file of papers & data; Replication Archive: Gauss Data and Procedures to Replicate Results (you will need the PCSE command file below also).
- German translation & reprint: “Uneinheitliche Signale: Zentralbankunabhängigkei und koordinierte Lohnaushandlung in der Europäischen Währungsunion,” in Martin Höpner & Armin Schäfer, eds., Die Politische Ökonomie der Europäischen Integration, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2008, pp. 369-405 (translation: Martin Höpner).
- Afterword, reflections 10 years on: “Die Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion als Work in Progress,” in Martin Höpner & Armin Schäfer, eds., Die Politische Ökonomie der Europäischen Integration, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2008, pp. 407-413 (translation: Martin Höpner).
Working Paper Series
- “The Effective Constituency in (Re)Distributive Politics: Geographic versus Partisan Bases of Democratic Representation” (parts joint w/ Irfan Nooruddin), Juan March Institute Working Paper Series, 2004.
- Finalist, Robert H. Durr Award for Best Empirical Application of Quantitative Methodology, MPSA ‘02.
- “Modeling International Diffusion: Inferential Benefits and Methodological Challenges, with an Application to International Tax Competition” (w/ Jude C. Hays), Wissenschaftszentrum-Berlin SP II 2004 – 12, Jun 2004.
- “Mixed Signals: Central Bank Independence, Coordinated Wage-Bargaining, and European Monetary Union” (w/ Peter A. Hall), U. Cal. Berkeley, Ctr. German and European Studies, Working Paper 1.55, September 1997.
- “Bargains, Games, and Relative Gains: Positional Concerns and International Cooperation” (w/ Michael Hiscox), Harvard Center for International Affairs #95-4, Apr 1995.
- “Central Bank Independence, Coordinated Wage Bargaining, and Sectoral Structure,” Harvard Center for European Studies #56 1994 (reprinted: CES #95 1 1995).
- Nominated for Westview Press Award for best paper by graduate student, 1994 MPSA.