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1 / 12

Can a COVID germ grow bigger?

2 / 12

Can a COVID germ move by itself?

3 / 12

Can a COVID germ breathe?

4 / 12

Does a COVID germ need food?

5 / 12

Can a COVID germ feel pain?

6 / 12

If someone got COVID germs in their nose, could that make them sick?

7 / 12

If someone has COVID and coughs on you, when would you start feeling sick: the same day or later?

8 / 12

When a COVID germ is inside a person’s body, can it make copies of itself?

9 / 12

When a COVID germ is inside a person’s body, does it use energy?

10 / 12

Can a COVID vaccine give you COVID?

11 / 12

When a COVID germ is outside a person’s body, can it make copies of itself?

12 / 12

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The average score is 80%
