
Global Change: The Science of Sustainability


126-AugMonIntroduction and Goals, Canvas SetupKling/Badgley
28-AugWedThe Anthropocene: A Transformed EarthBadgley
30-AugFriThe Big Bang and Fundamental LawsKling
Lab-DiscWeek 1“Challenges We Face” –  Discussion and Intro to Term Presentations
22-SepMonLabor Day (No Class; Take-home lab this week)
4-SepWedThe Age and Evolution of the EarthKling
6-SepFriPlanetary Energy BalanceKling
Lab-ReadWeek 2Take-Home reading (no in-class labs, Labor Day week)
39-SepMonPlate TectonicsKling
11-SepWedEarth’s Climate in Deep TimeKling
13-SepFriGaia – Does Life Regulate Earth’s Atmosphere?Kling
LabWeek 3Earth’s Energy Balance Model
416-SepMonGreenhouse Gases and ClimateKling
18-SepWedAerosols, Radiative Forcing, and ClimateKling
20-SepFriThe Fossil Record of Lineages and EcosystemsBadgley
LabWeek 4Introduction to Stella – Daisy World
523-SepMonProcesses of Evolution:  Natural SelectionBadgley
25-SepWedProcesses of Evolution:  SpeciationBadgley
27-SepFriEvidence for Evolution in Today’s WorldBadgley
LabWeek 5Natural Selection – The Case of the Peppered Moth
630-SepMonEXAM #1 (covers material through 27 Sep)Kling/Badgley
2-OctWedThe Science of SustainabilityKling
4-OctFriCritical Thinking in the Age of Fake NewsKling
LabWeek 6Ecological Footprint Activity and Assignment
77-OctMonEcological Communities: Networks of Interacting SpeciesBadgley
9-OctWedTrophic Links: Predation and ParasitismBadgley
11-OctFriCompetition for ResourcesBadgley
Lab-homeWeek 7Group Project Work
814-OctMonFall Study Break (No Class), Take-home Lab assignment
18-OctFriMicrobes: Transformers of Matter and MaterialsKling
LabWeek 8Science and the Media — Fake News Exposed
921-OctMonThe Flow of Energy from Primary Production to Higher Trophic LevelsKling
23-OctWedClimate Change and the Ice AgesKling
25-OctFriThe Blue Plane: El Nino, the Ocean Conveyor Belt, and Climate ChangeKling
LabWeek 9Ice Ages — Analysis of Vostok Ice Core Data
1028-OctMonClimate Models and Predictions for the FutureKling
30-OctWedSustainability and the Global Carbon CycleKling
1-NovFriClimate Change in the Great Lakes RegionKling
LabWeek 10The Global Carbon Cycle
114-NovMonEXAM #2 (covers material through 1 Nov)Kling/Badgley
6-NovWedPollutants, Acid Rain, and SustainabilityKling
8-NovFriThe Tropical RainforestKling
LabWeek 11
1211-NovMonThe Impacts of Climate Change on the Water CycleKling
13-NovWedSea Level Rise and Dangerous ClimateKling
15-NovFriSustainability and Co-Production – an Arctic Case StudyKling
LabWeek 12Group Project Work
1318-NovMonThe Value of Nature’s ServicesBadgley
20-NovWedDiversity over Space and TimeBadgley
22-NovFriHuman EcologyBadgley
LabWeek 13Group Project Work
1425-NovMonThanksgiving Break – No Class, No Labs this week
27-NovWedThanksgiving Break – No Class, No Labs this week
29-NovFriThanksgiving Break – No Class, No Labs this week
LabWeek 14Thanksgiving Break – No Labs meet
152-DecMonThe Ecological Footprint of Food and AgricultureBadgley
4-DecWedLessons for Today from Deep TimeBadgley
6-DecFriCourse ReviewBadgley/Kling
LabWeek 15
169-DecMonEXAM #3 ( covers all lecture material)Kling/Badgley