All presentations will take place in Tisch Hall, Room 1014.
Welcome remarks, 9:30 a.m.
Lightning Talks, 9:50 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
“Exploring New Geographies: Medieval Art in Eastern Europe”
Alice Isabella Sullivan (History of Art, University of Michigan)
“To Each his Own Plate and Table: The Gulf during the Global Middle Age”
Allen Fromherz (History, Georgia State University)
“Spaces of Wonder and Devotion: The Thirteenth-Century Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia”
Talia Lieber (Art History, University of California, Los Angeles)
“Economies of Color: Global Commerce in Dyes and the Fate of the Italian Textile Industries”
Stephanie Leitzel (History, Harvard University)
Roundtable Moderator: Karla Mallette (Romance Languages and Literatures and Middle East Studies, University of Michigan)
Lightning Talks, 1:00-3:15 p.m.
“Post-Jōkyū War Consciousness: A Cultural “Middle Age” for Japan?”
Michael McCarty (History, Salisbury University)
“The Lapidary of Alfonso X of Castile: Global Connections and Centralizing Discourse”
Luis Miguel dos Santos (Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan)
“Buddhist Middle Ages in China?”
James A. Benn (Religious Studies, McMaster University)
“Literary Genre Meets GIS in the Classroom”
Courtney E. Rydel (English, Washington College)
Roundtable Moderator: Hussein Fancy (History, University of Michigan)
Keynote, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
“The World in the Year 1000: When Globalization Began”
Valerie Hansen (History, Yale University)
Primary Source Presentations, 9:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
“Grammars of Globality”
Cameron Cross (Middle East Studies, University of Michigan)
Respondent: Catherine Sanok (English and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan)
“The Slave Trader of T-S 8J10.9: Elite and Subaltern Agents of the Global Slave Trade”
Craig Perry (Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati)
Respondent: Helmut Puff (History, German, and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan)
“The View of the World in 1225 as One Chinese Official, Zhao Rukuo, Saw It”
Valerie Hansen (History, Yale University)
Respondent: Amanda Respess (History and Anthropology, University of Michigan)
Primary Source Presentations, 1:30-3:40 p.m.
“Chinese Medicine in Mongol Iran: For a Global Understanding of Mondino’s Anathomia Corporis Humani”
Manuel Giardino (Khalili Research Centre, University of Oxford)
Respondent: Peggy McCracken (Romance Languages and Literatures, Women’s Studies, and Comparative Literature, University of Michigan)
“Late to the (Tea) Party: De-centering Europe in the Premodern Tea Trade”
Sarah Davis-Secord (History, University of New Mexico)
Respondent: Noah Blan (Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan)
Closing Remarks, 3:50-4:20 p.m.
Christian de Pee (History and Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Michigan)