Welcome to Greek Ann Arbor! This website documents research on connections to Greece in Ann Arbor. The project focuses on architecture, artwork, as well other points of interest such as names or symbols that are Greek influenced or of Greek origin. All materials related to Greece, from any period of Greek history, are considered as valuable data.
This website is a project of the Modern Greek Program of the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan, which is responsible for its creation, maintenance, and support. All photos, unless otherwise indicated, are by Constantinos Demetral.
It was conceived by Vassilis Lambropoulos, and researched and designed by Constantinos Demetral, who are both currently overseeing it. This site is intended to be a companion site to the Greek U-M Campus (http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/greekcampus/), which documents influences from the Greek world on campus.
Any questions, comments and or concerns can be directed to Constantinos Demetral (demetrco@umich.edu).