Applying Dialogic Techniques
This resource guide provides an overview of dialogic techniques to integrate with one’s instructional strategies and course content.
This resource guide provides an overview of dialogic techniques to integrate with one’s instructional strategies and course content.
In this activity, students play a card game silently, each operating with a different set of rules, unbeknownst to them.
In this activity, students imagine creating a school designed to maintain oppressive norms, considering what institutional oppression looks like and how it is perpetuated.
This activity guide is intended to serve as an example of how to engage with “perfectly logical explanations” or dominant narratives raised in classroom discussion.
This resource guide provides strategies for responding to “hot moments”: the sudden eruption of tension and conflict in classroom discussion.
Students will discuss dominant narratives – explanations or stories told in service of the dominant social group’s interests and ideologies.
This short document from the Commission for Social Justice Educators gives a concise description of strategies of multipartiality in discussion facilitation as a way to challenge dominant narratives that students have internalized and tend to reproduce in the classroom.
This resource is designed to help instructors manage the challenges of difficult classroom dialogue, specifically the way some students block or divert dialogue as a defensive response to perspectives they find uncomfortable or challenging.
This activity is designed to help students recognize common dialogue blockers, why people use them, and to become more aware of how they inhibit important conversations.