A 2020 winner of the Ben Prize for Excellence in Teaching Composition, Joshua Kupetz holds a PhD in English Language and Literature from the University of Michigan and an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University School of the Arts. Currently, he is a Lecturer I at the University of Michigan where he researches, teaches, and writes on the intersections of 20th century U.S. literature and disability. A collection he has co-edited, Sex, Identity, Aesthetics: The Work of Tobin Siebers and Disability Studies, is forthcoming in 2021 (U of Michigan P). His academic work has been published in the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies as well as included in The Cambridge Companion to American Novelists and The Matter of Disability (forthcoming 2017). A Beat scholar, he has written an introduction for Jack Kerouac’s On the Road: The Original Scroll (2007).