The Ultimate Khamseen Checklist

Mira Xenia Schwerda Thank you so much for working with us. All presentations published on the Khamseen website go through a detailed peer-review and editing process. This document is intended to guide you through the various phases, from preparing your contribution to its official launch. Phase 1 – Preparation Please read through your Welcome Letter,…

Khamseen Image Caption Guidelines

Mira Xenia Schwerda Introduction: All images used in PowerPoints prepared for Khamseen presentations have to be identified with full captions and credits. Moreover, if an individual or institution must give permission for an image to be used, then permission also must be indicated in the caption. Images that need to be captioned include: 1) images…

Khamseen Terms Style Guide

Michelle Al-Ferzly Thank you for your willingness to contribute to Khamseen’s Glossary. We are thrilled to have you on board this exciting new endeavor! As a free and open-access online scholarly resource, the Glossary offers multimedia definitions of important terms for the study of Islamic art, architecture, and visual culture. Our collectively crafted and visually…

Audio and Video Recording Tools Guide

Bihter Esener Team Khamseen has put together this guide to help contributors navigate the various audio and video recording tools as well as some tips to create short video presentations.  Here are some tips to remember while creating your video presentation: Although it may seem complicated at first, it is actually quite easy to make…