Lisa graduated with her Honours BA in Anthropology and a BA in History from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. She then moved to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario where she completed her M.Sc. (Geology) and Ph.D. in Earth Sciences with Dr. Joe Boyce. Her research focused on reconstructing submerged landscapes and identifying areas of archaeological potential using sedimentology, geophysical survey, microfossil analysis and microdebitage. She was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship to study with Dr. John O’Shea at the Museum of Anthropology in 2012. Upon returning to Canada in 2015, Lisa became a project archaeologist and Scientific Research and Experimental Development Coordinator at Stantec Consulting Ltd. In Hamilton and Ottawa, Ontario. In 2020, Lisa returned to the north shore of Lake Superior and is currently working for Parks Canada as the Cultural Resource Management Advisor at the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area in Nipigon, Ontario.
Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area
Parks Canada / Government of Canada
22 Third Street, PO Box 998, Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0 Canada