Correspondence on First-Year Grad Seminars

Naomi joined a group in Fall 2020 of faculty who taught first year seminars for grad students. This group shared their experiences in teaching grad school on-boarding classes at GSA 2020, in a NAGT webinar Graduate student onboarding courses: Exposing the hidden curriculum to help your students succeed, and most recently in a correspondence piece in Nature Geoscience led by Michele Cooke at UMass Amherst, published July 19.

Cooke et al. 2019
First year graduate courses foster inclusion” by instructors who have been teaching these courses
Non paywalled link

The article came out along side a companion piece written by and early career group at UC Santa Cruz
Pensky et al. 2019
“Disrupt and demystify the unwritten rules of graduate school”
Non paywalled link