Invitations to Industry: SIG on Monday


Susquehanna International Group (“SIG”) is again recruiting top Math PhDs to work in quantitative research at their proprietary trading firm in Philly.

Among recent UM graduates working (or soon to be working) there are Chris Hammond(UM PhD 2009)  and Mark Greenfield(UM PhD 2021, expected). Please come check out what it might be like to work at SIG at next week’s Invitations to Industry event, co-hosted by the Erdos Institute by Zoom next Monday November 2 at 5 (link). 




About: Always building and empowering a great team of researchers engaged in challenging interesting work that is central to SIG’s trading business. If you are a sharp problem solver with demonstrated research talent (e.g. Ph.D.), practical computing abilities and strong communication skills, please reach out to me.

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies