Opportunity for Data Science Training for Women

Each year, Correlation One hosts Data Science for All / Women, a data training fellowship program for top researchers, students, and young professionals.  As you might know, industry and government are desperate for the kind of mathematical talent we have here in the UM math department, and Correlation One, like the Erdos Institute, is one organization helping companies recruit YOU. There has never been a more lucrative time to be a highly trained mathematician!

The DS4A/Women program provides industry training, resources, and an influential network of industry mentors. The program itself is entirely free, including the application, and by invite-only. Their goal is to help launch careers with a powerful industry support structure, and thus develop the next generation of data-driven leaders. 

When: June – August (full schedule here)

Where: Virtual

Who: Open to PhD and Master’s students who are graduating from academia and looking to transition into industry. Relevant fields include Computer Science, Math, Applied Math, Engineering, Financial Engineering, Statistics, Quantitative Finance, Data Analytics, Data Science, among other quantitative fields. 

Cost: Free, by application only

How to Apply: Apply Here!

Deadline: May 6, 2023. The deadline is in a few weeks so we encourage students to apply as early as possible as our Admissions Committee works on a rolling basis.

By Karen E Smith

Professor of Mathematics Associate Chair for Gradate Studies