Category: Graduate Program
Panel Discussion on Funding for Graduate Students
For the final Junior Colloquium of the year, Friday April 19, the Student Advisory Board, led by Francesca Gandini, will host a panel discussion featuring current students who have been successful taking advantage of the myriad opportunities to apply for funding both inside and outside the University. As usual, Room 3088 East Hall at 4 pm.…
Visu Makam wins Sumner Myers Award
Visu Makam, UM PhD 2018, will return to Ann Arbor to deliver the Colloquium Talk this week on his Award Winning Thesis: Invariant theory, Tensors and Computational complexity. Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Location: 1360 East Hall (4:00 PM to 5:00 PM) Visu is currently a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study. His thesis,…
Career Panel Discussion in Junior Colloquium Today
Today, Friday, at 4 pm we will host a Panel Discussion about Non-Academic careers for PhD mathematicians in 1068 EH. I urge you all to come, whether or not you currently intend such a career yourself. Reasons to Come: Mostly want to do research after leaving Michigan? Come and start learning about research jobs in…
Congratulations to Rackham Fellowship Winners!
Emanuel Reinecke, Harry Richman, and Rachel Webb have all been awarded the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship! In addition, William Clark was selected as an alternate, should any of the winners from across campus be unable to accept, an honor in itself. Congratulations to all! This prestigious fellowship pays stipend, tuition and benefits for the full 2019-2020…
Junior Colloquium Today!
Don’t miss Jenny Wilson, one of our newest professors, who will talk about Representation Stability in Junior Colloquium today at 4 pm. Junior Colloquium is an important meeting ground for students to meet each other, other faculty, and potential advisors. All graduate students are strongly encourage to attend every week.
Yinan Wang wins Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant
Yinan (Nancy) Wang has been awarded a Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant! Please help me congratulate her!
Summer Opportunities for Social Research Training
Looking for something different this summer? Interested in using your math skills to get involved with Social Research? The University offers summer courses ICPSR Summer Programs in Quantitative Methods of Social Research and SRC Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques to train graduate students around campus in quantitative methods. For the first time, Rackham is offering…
Interested in Start-ups?
Many recent PhDs in math, physics and engineering are finding exciting careers in start-up companies these days. Curious about what all the buzz is about? Check out the Start Up Career Fair run by the Office of Entrepreneurship in the College of Engineering! Even our own little Ann Arbor has a rich community of Start-up companies…
Junior Colloquium: Jinho Baik
Professor Jinho Baik will speak in Junior Colloquium TODAY at 4. Please come! His title is Eigenvalues of large random matrices. This is aimed at graduate students who are not already experts in the subject! It is for everyone! The Junior Colloquium is a place for graduate students to meet faculty and each other, as well…