2BR apartment in AA for rent

Harry Bray asked me to share the attached announcement about his really nice 2BR apartment becoming available on August 15 in Woodbury Gardens. It’s not far from campus, on the bus line, and  competitively priced. Please spread the word among incoming students and post-docs you know. Details.

Allies Grants from Rackham

Rackham offers “Faculty Ally” grants up to 12K per year, for the purpose of making departments better for all graduate students, including students from under-represented demographics. A few years ago, PhD student Patricia Klein took the lead on designing a program to fund speaker travel to our seminars. We were able to use this money,…

Upcoming Rackham Events and Some Unsolicited Advice

Rackham hosts many events to support all aspects of graduate student life. Please take advantage of this! If you click on the Rackham Events Calendar or the Sessions @UM page, for example, you will find a host of interesting events. Examples just in the next week alone include these: a program tomorrow about addressing unconscious…

Rally in Support of GEO

While there is still much work to be done, University of Michigan GSIs enjoy some pretty good working conditions and benefits compared to peers elsewhere. This is because of the strength of our Union, the GEO. Don’t take this for granted! GEO starts bargaining tomorrow with the University.  Come show your support at the GEO…

From your Math Librarian…transform wikipedia, travel safe abroad, publishing advice, and more

 Samuel Hansen, our math librarian, has put together some great resources and opportunities for math graduate students. Check it out!

New Post-doc-Grad-student mentoring program

The Graduate Student Advisory Board has developed a new program in which senior PhD candidates in Math and AIM will be paired with a volunteering Michigan post-doc for informal advice and interaction. Please read the message below from some Board representatives and think about getting involved. Hi All, In an effort to increase interaction between…

Michigan PhD Brainteaser Battle at Arbor Brewing Friday

Do you love free food, free drinks and solving puzzles? Then join SIG for the Michigan PHD Brainteaser Battle! Friday, October 11th 7:00 p.m. Arbor Brewing Company: 114 E. Washington Street Ruminate while you numerate for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card, and get to know some of SIG’s quantitative researchers! We’ll…

Soccer Team!

Every year, the math department puts together a soccer team. We organize casual games on the weekends and compete (roughly once a week) in an intramural Grad/Faculty/Staff league. If you’re interesting in playing some casual soccer, please email Alex Horawa so he can add you to the soccer mailing list. All are welcome! To start off,…

Upcoming AWM Events

QR Study Party    Wednesday, 8/28at 5-7pm, room 3088 If you are studying for a QR exam, come study with other people! If you have already passed the QR exams, come share your knowledge/tips/encouragement! Snacks will be provided by AWM. This event is open to grad students of all genders in both pure and applied…