State of the Field Panels Organized at Academic Conferences
“Liberalism and Mass Incarceration: A Roundtable Discussion,” 2016 Policy History Conference, organizer and moderator. Featuring Elizabeth Hinton (Harvard University), Christopher Agee (University of Colorado-Denver), and Kathleen Frydl (Independent Scholar).
“Roundtable: Political History Beyond the Liberal-Conservative Paradigm,” 2016 Organization of American Historians Conference, organizer and moderator/comment. Featuring Lily Geismer (Claremont-McKenna), Brent Cebul (University of Richmond), and Mason Williams (Williams College).
“State of the Field: U.S. Political History since 1945,” 2014 Organization of American Historians Conference, organizer and moderator. Featuring George Sanchez (University of Southern California), Bethany Moreton (Dartmouth College), Gary Gerstle (Vanderbilt University), Marissa Chappell (Oregon State University), Suleiman Osman (George Washington University). Watch the panel discussion here.
“What Difference Do Schools Make? Evaluating the Place of Education in Urban History,” 2012 Urban History Association Conference, co-organizer and moderator. Featuring Ansley Erickson (Columbia University), Donna Murch (Rutgers University), Jack Dougherty (Trinity College), Mario Rios Perez (Syracuse University), Andrew Highsmith (University of Texas at San Antonio).
“American Studies After Southern Exceptionalism,” 2010 American Studies Association Conference, co-organizer and participant. Double session featuring Grace Elizabeth Hale (University of Virginia), Coleman Hutchinson (University of Texas), Leigh Anne Duck (University of Memphis), Melanie Benson (Dartmouth College), Bryant Simon (Temple University), Joseph Crespino (Emory University), Angela Dillard (University of Michigan), Riche Richardson (Cornell University), Jon Smith (Simon Fraser University), Harilaos Stecopoulos (University of Iowa).
“Has Urban History Transcended Regionalism? Or Does North/South/West Still Matter?” 2010 Urban History Association Conference, organizer and participant. Featuring Thomas Sugrue (University of Pennsylvania), Matthew Countryman (University of Michigan), Michelle Nickerson (University of Texas at Dallas), Greg Hise (University of Nevada, Las Vegas).
Conference Roundtables and State-of-the-Field Sessions (Participant)
“What Is Political History?” Plenary Session at 2019 Remaking American Political History Conference.
“Retrospective on Crabgrass Frontier,” 2014 Urban History Association Conference.
“The Other Side of the Revolution: Rethinking the White South during the Civil Rights Years,” 2008 Southern History Association Conference.
“Storm Warnings: Rethinking 1968, ‘The Year that Shook the World,’” Plenary Session at the 2008 Organization of American History Conference.