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- J. N. Milstein, M. Chu, K. Raghunathan, and J-C. Meiners Two-Color DNA Nanoprobe of Intracellular Dynamics, Nano Letters (2012)
- K. Raghunathan, J.N. Milstein, J-C. Meiners Stretching Short Sequences of DNA with Constant Force Axial Optical Tweezers Journal of Visualized Experiments 2011 (56):e3405
- J. N. Milstein and J.-C. Meiners, On the Role of DNA Biomechanics in the Regulation of Gene Expression, Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2011).
- J. N. Milstein, Y. F. Chen, and J.-C. Meiners, Bead Size Effects on Protein-Mediated DNA Looping in Tethered-Particle Motion Experiments, Biopolymers 95, 144 (2010).
- Y. F. Chen*, J. N. Milstein*, and J.-C. Meiners, Protein-Mediated DNA Loop Formation and Breakdown in a Fluctuating Environment, Physical Review Letters 104, 258103 (2010). (*Authors contributed equally)
- D. P. Wilson, A. V. Tkachenko, and J.-C. Meiners, A Generalized Theory of DNA Looping and Cyclization, EPL 89, 58005 (2010).
- Y. F. Chen, J. N. Milstein, and J.-C. Meiners, Femtonewton Entropic Forces Can Control the Formation of Protein-Meditated DNA Loops, Physical Review Letters 104, 048301 (2010).(Chosen as an Editors’ Suggestion and selected for an editorial Synopsis)
- Y. F. Chen, D. P. Wilson, K. Raghunathan, and J.-C. Meiners, Entropic Boundary Effects on the Elasticity of Short DNA Molecules, Physical Review E 80, 020903(R) (2009).
- Y. F. Chen, G. Blab, and J.-C. Meiners, Stretching Sub-Micron Biomolecules with Constant-force Axial Optical Tweezers, Biophysical Journal 96, 4701-4708 (2009).
- H. Chen, W. Gu, N. Cellar, R. Kennedy, S. Takayama, and J.-C. Meiners, Electromechanical Properties of Pressure-actuated PDMS Push-down Microfluidic Valves, Analytical Chemistry 80, 6110-6113 (2008).
- S. Goyal, N. C. Perkins, and J.-C. Meiners, Resolving the Sequence-Dependent Stiffness of DNA using Cyclization Experiments and Computational Rod Models, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 3, 11003 (2008).
- S. Goyal, T. Lillian, S. Blumberg, J.-C. Meiners, E. Meyhöfer, and N. C. Perkins, Intrinsic Curvature of DNA Influences LacR-Mediated Looping, Biophysical Journal 93, 4342 (2007).
- W. Gu, H. Chen, Y.C. Tung, J.-C. Meiners, and S. Takayama, Multiplexed hydraulic valve actuation using ionic liquid filled soft channels and Braille displays, Applied Physics Letters 90, 033503 (2007).
- M. N. Lambert, E. Vöcker, S. Redemann, S. Blumberg, A. Gajraj, J.-C. Meiners, and N. G. Walter, Mg2+ induced Compaction of Single RNA Molecules monitored by Tethered-Particle Microscopy, Biophysical Journal 90, 3672 (2006).
- S. Blumberg, M. W. Pennington, and J.-C. Meiners, Do Femtonewton Forces Affect Genetic Function? A Review. Journal of Biological Physics 32, 73 (2006).
- Y. Yiannopoulou, N. Melekechi, S. Gangopadhyay, J.-C. Meiners, C. H. Cheng, and E. E. Eyler, Precise Determination of of EF1Sg+ ←X Sg+ Transition Frequencies in H2, D2, and HD, Physical Review A 73, 022506 (2006).
- N. A. Cellar, S. T. Burns, J.-C. Meiners, H. Chen, and R. T. Kennedy, A Microfluidic Chip for Low Flow Push-Pull Perfusion Sampling in vivo with Online Analysis of Amino Acids, Analytical Chemistry 77, 7067 (2005).
- S. Blumberg, A. Gajraj, M. W. Pennington, and J.-C. Meiners, 3D Characterization of Tethered Microspheres by Total-Internal-Reflection Microscopy, Biophysical Journal 89, 1272 (2005).
- S. Blumberg, A. Tkachenko, and J.-C. Meiners, Disruption of Protein-Mediated DNA Looping by Tension in the Substrate DNA, Biophysical Journal 88, 1692 (2005).
- R. Nambiar, A. Gajraj, and J.-C. Meiners, All-Optical Constant-Force Laser Tweezers, Biophysical Journal 87, 1978 (2004).
- H. Chen and J.-C. Meiners, Topologic Mixing on a Microfluidic Chip, Applied Physics Letters 48, 2193 (2004).
- B. Liesfeld, R. Nambiar, and J.-C. Meiners, Particle Transport in Asymmetric Scanning Line Optical Tweezers, Physical Review E 68, 51907 (2003).
- H. Chen, D. Acharya, A. Gajraj, and J.-C. Meiners, Robust Interconnects and Packaging for Microfluidic Elastomer Chips, Analytical Chemistry 75, 5287 (2003).
- R. Nambiar, and J.-C. Meiners, Fast Position Measurements with Scanning Line Optical Tweezers, Optics Letters 27, 836 (2002).
- J.-C. Meiners, and S. R. Quake, Femtonewton Force Spectroscopy of Single Extended DNA Molecules, Physical Review Letters 84, 5014 (2000).
- J.-C. Meiners, and S.R. Quake, Direct Measurement of Hydropdynamic Cross Correlations Between Two Particles in an External Potential, Physical Review Letters 82, 2211 (1999).
- J.-C. Meiners, H. Elbs, A. Ritzi-Quintel, J. Mlynek, and G. Krausch, Adsorption of Block-Copolymer Micelles from a Selective Solvent, Macromolecules 30, 4945 (1997).
- J.-C. Meiners, H. Elbs, A. Ritzi, J. Mlynek, and G. Krausch, Chemically Functionalized Surfaces from Ultrathin Block-Copolymer Films, Journal of Applied Physics 80, 2224 (1996).
- J.-C. Meiners, A. Ritzi, M. H. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, J. Mlynek, and G. Krausch, Two-Dimensional Micelle Formation of Polystyrene-Poyvinylpyridine Diblock-Copolymers on Mica Surfaces, Applied Physics A 61, 519 (1995).
- G. Krausch, S. Wegscheider, A. Kirsch, H. Bielefeldt, J.-C. Meiners, and J. Mlynek, Near Field Microscopy and Lithography with Uncoated Fiber Tips: A Comparison, Optics Communications, 119, 283 (1995).