Riddles of Belonging: India in Translation and other Tales of Possession. New York: Fordham University Press, 2009.
Chouboli and Other Stories, selected and translated stories of Vijay Dan Detha. New Delhi: Katha Press and New York: Fordham University Press, 2010. 2011 winner of an Excellence Award in the Best Book/Best Writer on a Socio-Economic or Media scene at the 5th annual Asian Publishing Awards and the 2012 AAS (Association of Asian Studies) SAC (South Asia Committee) A.K. Ramanujan Prize for Translation. (Awarded March 16, 2012.)
Work in Progress
Genres of Real Life: Mediating Stories of Injustice across Languages. (A scholarly monograph.)
Translating Consciousness: Dalit Writing in Hindi, selected and translated, with Laura Brueck.
Doubly Cursed. (A translation from Hindi of Kausalya Baisantry’s life story, Dohara Abhishap.)