
May 2020        LSA, University of Michigan: Story about how our lab maintained connection during COVID-19. link

Nov 2019        University of Michigan: Website about the Super-resolution Microscopy Workshop Ann organized for Biosciences Initiative funding. link

Feb 2019         University of Michigan News: Press release on our 2019 Developmental Cell paper. link

Sept 2017         Nature: Ann was interviewed for an article about how choosing a lab of the right size is crucial for postdoc’s development. link

July 2017         Journal of Cell Biology: “People and Ideas” article on Ann Miller. link

Feb 2017         PIBS Facebook: Ann Miller featured for Woman Crush Wednesday. link

Fall 2016         Xenbase Website: feature on Rachel Stephenson and our lab’s research after Rachel won the John Gurdon Award for the best trainee talk at the International Xenopus Conference. link

July 2016         MCDB Website: “Miller Lab Discovers Novel Ways Cell-Cell Junctions Are Maintained in Cytokinesis”. link

Nov 2015        The University Record: Picture of Miller Lab FEMMES activity featured on the front page.

July 2014         MCDB Website: “Miller lab paper featured on Current Biology website”. link

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