Get Involved

Winter 2025 Recruitment

Applications for the Winter 2025 MJE recruitment cycle have opened and will close on January 25th, 2025. We look forward to meeting you soon!


Do I need to have any professional writing experience?

No! At MJE, we encourage individuals of all writing and editing experience to apply. Our current cohort of writers include individuals who have never written academically to those who are published authors.

If I don’t want to write, can I still get involved?

Yes! MJE is always looking for more editors to edit our writers’ articles. Additionally, you can be both a writer and an editor.

What is the time commitment?

MJE members may choose to write for any of the 3 available periods each semester. If a member decides to write for a writing period, they are required to attend all of the meetings that period. A writing period includes a brainstorming meeting, a peer-editing meeting, and a editor’s meeting. Editors are only required to be present for the editor’s meeting. Each meeting is an hour long from 8-9pm in Foster Library at Lorch Hall on Wednesdays.

The Wednesday following the editor’s meeting, there will be a social meeting for where all members are invited to attend, whether they wrote that period or not. Each social meeting is a celebration of the writers and editors hard work that period and includes an activity and food courtesy the economics department.