Spring 2022 | Kareem James Abu-Zeid Reads Their Translation of "Night Song" by Najwan Darwish – MQR Sound
Kareem James Abu-Zeid reads their translation of "Night Song" by Najwan Darwish from MQR's Spring 2022 issue.
The drunks are the only ones singing in the streets beneath the windows of the night readers. Lord, why didn’t you make me a drunkard to sing beneath the people’s windows? Lord, why did you create me from a nation that pours itself out like a river of tears whenever it gets drunk? They alone keep vigil in the rooms of night with the poems of their ancestors (that’s how they set up roadblocks to keep death at bay). They alone wake up after the sun has shed the noontime over the terracotta mountain: the earth’s still there and the city’s a guitar the people pluck with their feet. Translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
For more from the Spring 2022 special issue of MQR, “Decades of Fire: New Writing from the Middle East and North Africa,” you can purchase the issue here.