We, Sonnet: Language, Love, and Power in the Poems of Brandy Nālani McDougall and Margaret Rhee
Like many contemporary poets, Brandy Nālani McDougall and Margaret Rhee evoke the sonnet in ways that both adhere to and stretch its formal bounds and exploit expectations of what the sonnet itself represents, employing the sonnet and its associations to amplify their investigations of language, love, and power. In her series “Ka ‘Ōlelo,” McDougall, a […]
Like many contemporary poets, Brandy Nālani McDougall and Margaret Rhee evoke the sonnet in ways that both adhere to and stretch its formal bounds and exploit expectations of what the sonnet itself represents, employing the sonnet and its associations to amplify their investigations of language, love, and power. In her series “Ka ‘Ōlelo,” McDougall, a