Joumana Altallal – Michigan Quarterly Review

Joumana Altallal

Joumana Altallal was born in Baghdad to Iraqi and Lebanese parents. She is currently a first-year MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Michigan. She works with Citywide Poets to lead an after-school poetry program for high school students in Metro Detroit. Her work appears in the Virginia Literary Review, Mikrokosmos, and Poets Reading the News, among others.

heed the hollow cover by malcolm tariq aside his head shot

Documenting the Bottom: A Review of Malcom Tariq’s “Heed the Hollow”

Tariq’s Heed the Hollow is a humorous, erotic, and stunningly heartbreaking engagement with a language that has forcefully made queer black bodies and voices invisible.

Documenting the Bottom: A Review of Malcom Tariq’s “Heed the Hollow” Read More »

Tariq’s Heed the Hollow is a humorous, erotic, and stunningly heartbreaking engagement with a language that has forcefully made queer black bodies and voices invisible.

Palestine in Queer Time: A Review of George Abraham’s The Specimen’s Apology

George Abraham’s new chapbook The Specimen’s Apology (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2019) accomplishes the painfully vital and often deeply violent work of imagining. In claiming two identities made systematically invisible (Palestinian, and queer), Abraham weaves us into worlds from which we are desperate to escape. Much like Elizabeth in the referenced video game Bioshock: Infinite, the Palestinian/queer

Palestine in Queer Time: A Review of George Abraham’s The Specimen’s Apology Read More »

George Abraham’s new chapbook The Specimen’s Apology (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2019) accomplishes the painfully vital and often deeply violent work of imagining. In claiming two identities made systematically invisible (Palestinian, and queer), Abraham weaves us into worlds from which we are desperate to escape. Much like Elizabeth in the referenced video game Bioshock: Infinite, the Palestinian/queer

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