Langston Hughes Folio – Michigan Quarterly Review

Langston Hughes Folio

“Of Work”: On Hughes’s “Let America Be America Again”

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again I believe it was in a high school English class that I first encountered Langston Hughes, reading the […]

“Of Work”: On Hughes’s “Let America Be America Again” Read More »

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again I believe it was in a high school English class that I first encountered Langston Hughes, reading the

Reflections on a Reflexive Promise

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” For more from the special folio, “On Langston Hughes’s ‘Let America Be America Again,’” you can  purchase the

Reflections on a Reflexive Promise Read More »

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” For more from the special folio, “On Langston Hughes’s ‘Let America Be America Again,’” you can  purchase the

Not Just

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” America is America: it’s a tautology. But it’s also a falsehood: America is not and never was the

Not Just Read More »

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” America is America: it’s a tautology. But it’s also a falsehood: America is not and never was the

Hughes Inspirations

A LUCILLE CLIFTON–INSPIRED STERLING BROWN TEACHING FABLE For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” “Let America be America again.” Sterling Brown began addressing the aspiring,

Hughes Inspirations Read More »

A LUCILLE CLIFTON–INSPIRED STERLING BROWN TEACHING FABLE For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” “Let America be America again.” Sterling Brown began addressing the aspiring,


For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” For more from the special folio, “On Langston Hughes’s ‘Let America Be America Again,’” you can  purchase the

Bookends Read More »

For the Fall 2022 special issue of MQR, “Fractured Union: American Democracy on the Brink,” we reached out to a range of esteemed authors to write short essays that respond to Langston Hughes’s poem “Let America Be America Again.” For more from the special folio, “On Langston Hughes’s ‘Let America Be America Again,’” you can  purchase the

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