Spring 2022: Decades of Fire – Michigan Quarterly Review

Spring 2022: Decades of Fire

I Have Been Born Three Times: An Interview with Adonis

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part interview, the second part will be published on July 1. Adonis is the pen name adopted by Ali Ahmad Said Esber. Born in 1930 in the Syrian village of Qassabin, the 13-year-old Ali knew that he was destined to be a poet. When he heard that […]

I Have Been Born Three Times: An Interview with Adonis Read More »

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part interview, the second part will be published on July 1. Adonis is the pen name adopted by Ali Ahmad Said Esber. Born in 1930 in the Syrian village of Qassabin, the 13-year-old Ali knew that he was destined to be a poet. When he heard that

Fadhil’s Descent

Accompanying the launch of Decades of Fire: New Writing from the Middle East and North Africa, a special Spring issue of MQR dedicated to the documentation of political, social, and cultural transformations of the past three decades, MQR Online is featuring additional non-fiction, poetry, and fiction not available in the print issue. We have gathered work here that,

Fadhil’s Descent Read More »

Accompanying the launch of Decades of Fire: New Writing from the Middle East and North Africa, a special Spring issue of MQR dedicated to the documentation of political, social, and cultural transformations of the past three decades, MQR Online is featuring additional non-fiction, poetry, and fiction not available in the print issue. We have gathered work here that,

The Torrential Blood

Accompanying the launch of Decades of Fire: New Writing from the Middle East and North Africa, a special Spring issue of MQR dedicated to the documentation of political, social, and cultural transformations of the past three decades, MQR Online is featuring additional non-fiction, poetry, and fiction not available in the print issue. We have gathered work here that,

The Torrential Blood Read More »

Accompanying the launch of Decades of Fire: New Writing from the Middle East and North Africa, a special Spring issue of MQR dedicated to the documentation of political, social, and cultural transformations of the past three decades, MQR Online is featuring additional non-fiction, poetry, and fiction not available in the print issue. We have gathered work here that,

Can the Bilingual Speak?

In loving memory of Emile Habiby, 1921–1996 “… Fragments. Or the anecdote as a form of knowledge.”               —Paul Auster, The Invention of Solitude A couple of years ago, I was kindly invited, in monolingual English, to be a panelist at a conference on bilingualism, on account of my dubious lingual past in Arabic and

Can the Bilingual Speak? Read More »

In loving memory of Emile Habiby, 1921–1996 “… Fragments. Or the anecdote as a form of knowledge.”               —Paul Auster, The Invention of Solitude A couple of years ago, I was kindly invited, in monolingual English, to be a panelist at a conference on bilingualism, on account of my dubious lingual past in Arabic and

In Luxor: The Poet on Vacation

1. During my stay in Luxor and my travels between the two shores of the Nile these past few weeks, I made sure to widen my senses as far as they go: my eyes, my ears. Time has pushed me further out, and the homeland has become more distant. I have been in Europe for

In Luxor: The Poet on Vacation Read More »

1. During my stay in Luxor and my travels between the two shores of the Nile these past few weeks, I made sure to widen my senses as far as they go: my eyes, my ears. Time has pushed me further out, and the homeland has become more distant. I have been in Europe for

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