Spring 2020: A Special Issue on Water – Page 2 – Michigan Quarterly Review

Spring 2020: A Special Issue on Water

Florida lake surrounded by trees

Florida Water Sources and the Best Seeing

Headwater. Mouth of the river. So hard to understand where it starts and where it ends, to remember the headwater tiny, a trickle, a bubble up out of dry ground, and the mouth—wide as a country. With greater ease I learned the dark swimming moons beside my rowboat in Crystal River were sea cows. Manatees.

Florida Water Sources and the Best Seeing Read More »

Headwater. Mouth of the river. So hard to understand where it starts and where it ends, to remember the headwater tiny, a trickle, a bubble up out of dry ground, and the mouth—wide as a country. With greater ease I learned the dark swimming moons beside my rowboat in Crystal River were sea cows. Manatees.

Susan Scotti Parrish headshot aside her book The Food Year 1927

Beyond the Simple: An Interview with Dr. Susan Scotti Parrish

One of the things art and humanities do at a big university is to make us all alertly observant. Art does have the power to make us newly aware of things that we thought we already knew.

Beyond the Simple: An Interview with Dr. Susan Scotti Parrish Read More »

One of the things art and humanities do at a big university is to make us all alertly observant. Art does have the power to make us newly aware of things that we thought we already knew.

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