My name is Minseo Lee. I’m an editor for the University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Journal (UMURJ). UMURJ is currently accepting manuscript submissions for publication. I’m reaching out to ask if you can help spread the word to undergraduates in the neuroscience department. Everyone is welcome to submit their research manuscripts, articles, or blog posts. Attached below is a flyer, too.
UMURJ is a student-run, non-technical research journal. Its mission is to build connections between faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, and the public, as well as among the different academic disciplines. Please visit to submit; all academic disciplines are welcome!
Submissions must be in APA Style and will first be reviewed by our staff. Accepted manuscripts will be reviewed by a faculty member. Please contact the Editors-in-Chief with any questions (umurj-editorsinchief).
Thank you for the help!
Minseo Lee