
Nominated (by Department of Mathematics) for the 2020 Garrett T. Heberlein Endowed Award for Excellence in Teaching for Graduate Students, Wayne State University.

Teaching Training

  • Professional Development Program (Fall 2021), Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan.
  • Teaching Mathematics in College (Fall 2016, Wayne State University): A semester-long course focusing on presentation, test-writing, grading, classroom management, and use of technology.
  • Teaching online courses via Zoom and Big Blue Button on Canvas for Statistics Classes.
  • B.S. in Education with 2 three-month internships at Trung Vuong high school and Tay Son high School.
  • Attending the innovative educators’ virtual summit- Hawkes Learning.

Teaching Experience

Courses taught with full responsibility:

Rate my Professors: Nguyen-Truc-Dao Nguyen 

Summary Report: https://testing.wayne.edu/evaluation/search?professor=gc9683&submit=Search+by+Professor

Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) – Testing, Evaluation & Research Services

Kahoot games for my Statistics Classes: Link: Introduction to Statistics

Useful Links and More

Below is a list of links/things you may find useful (Dao will add more as we see more useful things during the semester):

Connect with Your Classmates!

Connections and interactions are important! Check out our course’s introduction slides (Links to an external site.) if you haven’t done so.

This semester’s 471 is a much larger class than usual, which means you get to know more peers who are also interested in math and programming. So please take advantage of this!

In addition to the introduction slides, we will use the course Piazza site (Links to an external site.) for interaction and Q & A. 

Your instructor has also enabled this Canvas “Discussions” module as a place you can connect with each other. A few examples of ways you could use this:

(Wayne State University 2016 – My first class)

“You can always find a solution if you try hard enough.” – Lori Greiner

“You don’t learn to walk by following the rules. You learn by doing, and falling over.” – Richard Branson

“Everyone’s dream can come true if you just stick to it and work hard.” – Serena Williams

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein

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