
Symbol indicates an undergraduate student (*), graduate student (**), or postdoc (#) author from the Petersen group.

Author order is determined by contribution to the work, not seniority. In large community publications, tiers of authors making different contributions are alphabetized within each ranked tier. 


  • Kelson, J.R., T.E. Huth, B.H. Passey, N.E. Levin, S.V. Petersen, P. Ballato, E.J. Beverly, D. O. Breecker, G.D. Hoke, A.M. Hudson, H. Ji, A. Licht, J. Quade (2023) Triple oxygen isotope compositions of globally distributed soil carbonates reveal widespread evaporation of soil waters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 355, 138-160, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2023.06.034. Link to Paper
  • Ryan, B.H., J.M. Rivers, S.V. Petersen, S.E. Kaczmarek (2023) Clumped isotope evidence for the formation of nonplanar dolomite textures at near-surface temperatures, Journal of Sedimentary Research, doi:10.2110/jsr.2022.117. Link to Paper
  • Huntington, K.W. and S.V. Petersen (2023) Frontiers of Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, vol. 51, doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-031621-085949 Link to Paper
  • **Zhang, J.Z. and S.V. Petersen (2023) Clumped and oxygen isotope sclerochronology methods tested in the bivalve Lucina pensylvanicaChemical Geology, 620, 121346, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121346 Link to Paper
  • **Curley, A.N., S.V. Petersen, S.M. Edie, W. Guo (2023) Biologically driven isotopic fractionations in bivalves: from paleoenvironmental problem to palaeophysiological proxy, Biological Reviews, doi:10.1111/brv.12940 Link to Paper


  • **O’Hora, H.E., S.V. Petersen, J. Vellekoop, #M.M. Jones, **S.R. Scholz, Clumped isotope-derived climate trends leading up to the end-Cretaceous extinction in northwest Europe, Climate of the Past, 18(9), 1963-1982, doi:10.5194/cp-18-1963-2022 Link to Paper
  • #Jones, M.M., S.V. Petersen, **A.N. Curley (2022) Peak mid-Cretaceous greenhouse warmth in the Western Interior Seaway of North America, Geology, 50(8), 954-958, doi:10.1130/G49998.1 Link to Paper
  • Licht, A., #J.R. Kelson, S. Bergel, A. Schauer, S.V. Petersen, A. Capirala, K.W. Huntington, G. Dupont-Nivet, Z. Win, and D.W. Aung, Dynamics of pedogenic carbonate growth in the monsoonal tropical domain, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(7), e2021GC009929, doi:10.1029/2021GC009929 Link to Paper
  • #Kelson, J.R., S.V. Petersen, N. Niemi, B.H. Passey, **A.N. Curley (2022) Looking upstream with clumped and triple oxygen isotopes of estuarine oyster shells in the early Eocene of Southern California, Geology, 50(7), 755-759, doi:10.1130/G49634.1 Link to Paper


  • **Zhang, J.Z., S.V Petersen, I.Z. Winkelstern, K.C. Lohmann (2021) Seasonally Variable Aquifer Discharge and Cooler Climate in Bermuda during the Last Interglacial Revealed by Subannual Clumped Isotope Analysis, Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology, 36, e2020PA004145, doi:10:1029/2020PA004145. Link to Paper
  • Bernasconi, S.M., M. Daëron, K.D. Bergmann, M. Bonifacie, A.N. Meckler, H.P. Affek, N. Anderson, D. Bajnai, E. Barkan, E. Beverley, D. Blamart,  L. Burgener, D. Calmels, C. Chaduteau, M. Clog,  B. Davidheiser-Kroll, A. Davies, F. Dux, J. Eiler, B. Elliot, A.C. Fetrow, J. Fiebig, S. Goldberg, M. Hermoso, K.W. Huntington, E. Hyland, M. Ingalls, M. Jaggi, C.M. John,  A.B. Jost,  S. Katz, #J.R. Kelson, T. Kluge, I.J. Kocken, A. Laskar, T.J. Leutert, D. Liang, J. Lucarelli, T.J. Mackey, X. Mangenot, N. Meinicke, S.E. Modestou, I.A. Müller, S. Murray, A. Neary, N. Packard, B.H. Passey, E. Pelletier, S.V. Petersen, A. Piasecki,  A. Schauer, K.E. Snell, P.K. Swart,  A. Tripati, D. Upadhyay, T. Vennemann, I. Winkelstern, D. Yarian, N. Yoshida, N. Zhang, M. Ziegler, (2021) InterCarb: A Community Effort to Improve Interlaboratory Standardization of the Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometer Using Carbonate Standards, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009588, doi:10.1029/2020GC009588. Link to Paper


  • Tierney, J.E., C.J. Poulsen, I.P. Monanez, T. Bhattacharya, R. Feng, H.L. Ford, B. Honisch, G.N. Inglis, S.V. Petersen, N. Sagoo, C.R. Tabor, K. Thirumalai, J. Zhu, N.J. Burls, Y. Godderis, G.L. Foster, B.T. Huber, L.C. Ivany, S.K. Turner, D.J. Lunt, J.C. McElwain, B.J.W. Mills, B.L. Otto-Bleisner, A. Ridgwell, and Y.G. Zhang (2020) Past Climate informs our Future, Science, v.370 no. 6517, doi:10.1126/science.aay3701. Link to Paper
  • Mohr, R., T. Tobin, S.V. Petersen, A. Dutton, and *E. Oliphant (2020) Subannual stable isotope records reveal climate warming and seasonal anoxia associated with two extinction intervals across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary on Seymour Island, Antartica, Geology, 48(11), 1131-1136, doi:10.11130/G47758.1. Link to Paper
  • *S. Scholz, S.V. Petersen, J. Escobar, C. Jaramillo, A.J.W. Hendy, W.D. Allmon, J.H. Curtis, B.M. Anderson, N. Hoyos, J.C. Restrepo, N. Perez (2020) Isotope Sclerochronology indicates enhanced seasonal precipitation in northern South America (Colombia) during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum, Geology, 48(7), 668-672, doi:10.1130/G47235.1.doi:10.1130/G47235.1. Link to Paper
  • Kelson, J., L. Burgener, K. Huntington, G. Hoke, S.V. Petersen, D. Breecker, and T. Gallagher (2020) A proxy for all seasons? A synthesis of clumped isotope data from Holocene soil carbonates, Quaternary Science Reviews, 234, 106259, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106259. Link to Paper


  • **Meyer, K.W., S.V. Petersen, K.C. Lohmann, J.D. Blum, S.J. Washburn, M.W. Johnson, J.D. Gleason, A.Y. Kurz, and I.Z. Winkelstern (2019) End-Cretaceous Mercury Concentrations Reveal Climate Influence of Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province, Nature Communications, 10, 5356, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13366-0. Link to Paper
  • B.J. Linzmeier, A.D. Jacobson, B.B. Sageman, M.T. Hurtgen, M.E. Ankney, S.V. Petersen, T.S. Tobin, G.D. Kitch, and J. Wang (2019) Calcium isotope evidence for environmental variability before and across the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction, Geology, v. 48 (1), 34-38, doi:10.1130/G46431.1. Link to Paper
  • Petersen, S.V., W.F. Defliese, C. Saenger, M. Daëron, C.M. John, K.W. Huntington, J.R. Kelson, S.M. Bernasconi, A.S. Colman, T. Kluge, G.A. Olack, A.J. Schauer, D. Bajnai, M. Bonifacie, S.F.M Breitenbach, J. Fiebig, A.B. Fernandez, G.A. Henkes, D. Hodell, A. Katz, S. Kele, K.C. Lohmann, B.H. Passey, D.A. Petrizzo, B.E. Rosenheim, A. Tripati, R. Venturelli, E.D. Young, and I.Z. Winkelstern (2019), Effects of improved 17O Correction on Inter-Laboratory Agreement in Clumped Isotope Calibrations, Estimates of Mineral-Specific Offsets and Temperature Dependence of Acid Digestion Fractionation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 3495–3519, doi:10.1029/2018GC008127.    Link to Paper


  • de Winter, N.J., J. Vellekoop, R. Vorsselmans, A. Golreihan, J. Soete, S.V. Petersen, **K.W. Meyer, S. Casadio, R.P. Speijer, and P. Claeys (2018), An assessment of latest Cretaceous Pycnodonte vesicularis (Lamarck, 1806) shells as records for palaeoseasonality: A multi-proxy investigation, Climate of the Past, 14, 725-749, doi:10.5194/cp-14-725-2018. Link to Paper
  • **Meyer, K.W., S.V. Petersen, K.C. Lohmann, and I.Z. Winkelstern (2018), Climate of the Late Cretaceous North American Gulf and Atlantic Coasts, Cretaceous Research, 89, 160-173, doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2018.03.017. Link to Paper


  • Gallagher, T.M., N.D. Sheldon, J.L. Mauk, S.V. Petersen, N. Gueneli, and J.J. Brocks (2017), Constraining the thermal history of the North American Midcontinent Rift System using carbonate clumped isotopes and organic thermal maturity indices, Precambrian Research, 294, 53-66, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2017.03.022. Link to Paper
  • Bassis, J.N., S.V. Petersen, and L.M. Cathles (2017), Heinrich events driven by feedback between ocean forcing and glacial isostatic adjustment, Nature, 542, 332-334, doi:10.1038/nature21069. Link to Paper
    Covered in a Nature News and Views article
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  • Winkelstern, I.Z., M.P. Rowe, K.C Lohmann, W.F. Defliese, S.V. Petersen, A.W. Brewer (2017), Meltwater pulse recorded in Last Interglacial mollusk shells from Bermuda, Paleoceanography, 32, 132-145, doi:10.1002/2016PA003014. Link to Paper
    Covered by AGU Blogosphere


  • Petersen, S.V., C.R. Tabor, K.C. Lohmann, C.J. Poulsen, **K.W. Meyer, S.J. Carpenter, J.M. Erickson, K.K.S. Matsunaga, S.Y. Smith, and N.D. Sheldon (2016), Salinity and Temperature of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Geology, 44, 903-906, doi:10.1130/G38311.1. Link to Paper
  • Petersen, S.V., A. Dutton, and K.C Lohmann (2016), End-Cretaceous extinction in Antarctica linked to both Deccan volcanism and meteorite impact via climate change, Nature Communications, 7:12079, doi: 10.1038/ncomms12079. Link to Paper
    Covered in Science NewsWiredScience DailyThe Daily MailIFL ScienceThe Guardianby the AFP (Agence France-Press), and others.
  • Petersen, S.V., I.Z. Winkelstern, K.C Lohmann, and **K.W. Meyer (2016), The effects of PorapakTM trap temperature on d18O, d13C, and D47 in preparing samples for clumped isotope analysis, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 30, 199-208, doi: 10.1002/rcm.7438. Link to Paper


  • Petersen, S.V., D.P. Schrag (2015), Antarctic ice growth before and after the Eocene-Oligocene Transition: New estimates from clumped isotope paleothermometry, Paleoceanography, 30 (10), 1305-1317, doi: 10.1002/2014PA002769. Link to Paper


  • Petersen, S.V., D.P. Schrag (2014), Clumped isotope measurements of small carbonate samples using a high-efficiency dual-reservoir technique, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28, 2371-2381, doi: 10.1002/rcm.7022. Link to Paper



  • Chapman, A.D., P.I. Luffi, J.B. Saleeby, and S. Petersen (2011), Metamorphic evolution, partial melting and rapid exhumation above an ancient flat slab: Insights from the San Emigdio Schist, southern California, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29: 601-626, doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2011.00932.x. Link to Paper