Computing Environments – Precision Health Analytics Platform

Computing Environments

Precision Health provides secure storage and computing environments for researchers using Precision Health data.

Armis2 (Linux Environment)
The Armis2 high-performance computing (HPC) environment is a Linux-based high performance computing cluster used for analysis of sensitive data administered by Academic Research Computing .  Precision Health also has a private set of six nodes on Armis2. Each node has eight (48 total) RTX2080Ti GPUs and large volumes of fast local storage and can see all data and software provided on Armis2. These nodes are optimized for machine learning/AI, computer vision, molecular dynamics, and any other GPU-accelerated workload.

Secure Enclave Services (SES)
SES provides a private cloud environment that provides high-performance, secure, and flexible computing environments enabling the analysis of sensitive datasets restricted by federal privacy laws, proprietary access agreements, or confidentiality requirements.  SES is administered by the University of Michigan Academic Research Computing group. Software tools available in SES include MATLAB, Python, RStudio, SAS, SPSS, and STAT 15.

Turbo is a high speed network storage platform offered by ARC-TS for research purposes.  It can be mounted in Secure Enclave Services (SES) or other high performance computing environments. Turbo is administered by the University of Michigan Academic Research Computing group.

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