In this module, you learn about t-test types and interpretation, how to input data into R, and conduct t-tests using the monkey bingo paper from last module. The modules in Series 1 focus on a study testing monkey cognition, and explore the real data from the study to illustrate how to conduct various statistical tests. This is the fourth module in a series of eight.
Target Audience: University and advanced high school students interested in learning how experiments work with real data.
This module includes the following materials:
- Module Instructions [PPT Slides]
- Data File [.xlsx file]
- Answer Key [.r file]
- This series of modules uses information from the QERI guide to scientific papers. Read more here.
Relevant Publication: De Petrillo, F. & Rosati, A.G. (2019) Rhesus macaques use probabilities to predict future events. Evolution & Human Behavior, 40: 436–446. [Publisher’s version] [PDF]
Funding Support for Module: NSF #1944881 and #1926653 to Alexandra Rosati