Analyzing Chimpanzee Behavior (3): Friendships – Primate Learning in Action

Analyzing Chimpanzee Behavior (3): Friendships

Photo by Ronan Donovan
Throughout this series you will learn about chimpanzee behavior and the basics of analyzing focal data and working with excel files, using real data from the Kanyawara community of chimpanzees in Uganda studied by the Kibale Chimpanzee Project. This module focuses on chimpanzee friendships. This is the third module in a series of four.

<< Back to Module 2 | Forward to Module 4 >>

Target Audience: University and High School Students; Scientists and Professors

This module includes the following materials:

  • Module 3 Instructions and excel file [XLSX]
  • Example video of a Kanyawara chimpanzee friends, here engaging in grooming while in close proximity:

Funding Support for Module: NSF #1926737 to Zarin Machanda

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