Introduction to Primate Data Exploration and Linear Modeling with R – Primate Learning in Action

Introduction to Primate Data Exploration and Linear Modeling with R

Photo by Alexandra Rosati
Introduction to Primate Data Exploration and Linear Modeling with R is a set of 8 data science modules providing training to undergraduate biology research students on data management and statistical analysis using authentic cognitive and demographic data from the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaque population in Puerto Rico.

Target Audience: University students

This module includes the following materials:

  • Online modules 1-8 at QUBES [Link]

Citation for Modules: Hernández-Pacheco, R., Bland, A. L., Diaz, A. A., Rosati, A. G., Gonzalez, S. J. (2023). Introduction to Primate Data Exploration and Linear Modeling with R. QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/T0ZY-PK40

Relevant Publications:

Gonzalez SJ, Sherer AJ, Hernández-Pacheco R. 2023. Differential effects of early life adversity on male and female rhesus macaque lifespan. Authorea June 20, 2023. DOI: 10.22541/au.168724664.44754340/v1

Hernández-Pacheco R, Rawlins RG, Kessler MJ, Delgado DL, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Sabat AM. 2016. Discovery of a secular trend in Cayo Santiago macaque reproduction. American Journal of Primatology 78:227-237. 

Luevano L, Sutherland C, Gonzalez SJ, Hernández-Pacheco R. 2022. Rhesus macaques compensate for reproductive delay following ecological adversity early in life. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8456

Rosati, A.G., Arre, A.M., Platt, M.L., & Santos, L.R. (2018). Developmental shifts in social cognition: socioemotional biases across the lifespan in rhesus monkeys. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72: 63. [PDF] [Study Video] [Supplementary] [Publisher’s Version]

Funding Support for Module: NSF #2217812 to Raisa Hernández Pacheco and Alexandra Rosati

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