Everybody Wants to Know What Type of Place Prison Is? Prison is a Place Where…
James Adrian
You hope for the best but expect the worst .
The friendliest smile can come from the most dangerous person. You trust no one, but make many friends.
You can be anybody you want to be.
You think about your yea-rs on the streets .
You hope somebody remembers your good deeds.
You can see grown men live out their youth.
Children take on responsibilities of men .
You live, but die a thousand times .
You hope somebody decides to write or visit .
You pray for a second chance, then another, then another.
You say all the right things, but your actions reflect otherwise . Your dreams become nightmares at the sound of a slamming
cell door.
You reality can compromise your morals.
Niggaz can be niggaz and be accepted .
You can lose your life over the false perception of respect .
Crews can be misunderstood for loyalty.
Misery roams and happiness hides .
Faces don’t tell the whole story.
Hopes and dreams are shattered by each other.