Essentialism, Power and Privilege: A view from Above
Mahalingam, R. (2007d). Essentialism, power and the representation of social categories: An integrated perspective. Human Development, 50(6), 300 -319.
Social Marginality and Discrimination: A view from below
Vaz, M., & Mahalingam, R. (accepted with minor revisions) Implicit Theories of Common Health Conditions Held by Indian Social Workers and Students. Psychological Studies.
Balan. S., & Mahalingam, R. (in press). “Good Asian moms”: Engendering model minority myth. In O. Espin & A. Dottolo (Eds.), Gendered Journeys: Women, migration and feminist psychology lens. Connecticut: Palgrave Macmillan.
Balan, S., & Mahalingam, R. (2014). Are we losing the war on missing girls? Lancet Global Health, 2, e.22.
Mahalingam, R., & Rabelo, V. (2013). Ethics of doing immigrant research: An intersectional perspective. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 141, 25-41.
Mahalingam, R. (2012). Misidentification, misembodiment: The paradox of being a model minority. Sikh Formations, 8(3), 299-304.
Molina, K., Alegria, M., & Mahalingam, R. (2012). Multiple–group path analysis of the role of everyday self-rated physical health among Latina/os. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s12160-012-9421-2
Mindfulness and Interconnectedness
Kopelman, S. and Mahalingam, R. (2014). Negotiate mindfully. In J. Dutton and G. Spreitzer (Eds.), How to Become a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Kopelman, S., Mahalingam, R., & Gewurz, I. (in press). Mindfully managing emotions and managing paradoxes in the contexts of negotiations. In M. Benoliel (Ed.), Negotiation excellence: Successful deal making. Singapore: World Scientific.
Cell phones, Self and Connectedness
Pal, J., Ammari, T., Huaita Alfaro, A., Lakshmanan, M., & Mahalingam, R. (2013). Marginality, aspiration and accessibility in ICTD. In the Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Information and Communications Technology and Development (ICTD2013), Cape Town, South Africa.