1. Currently, the annual number of new cases of Tuberculosis in the world is
a) between 10 and 100 thousand
b) between 100 thousand and 1 million
c) between 1 million and 10 million
d) between 10 million and 100 million
e) between 100 million and 1 billion
2. The man who first identified the Tuberculosis bacillus was
a) Robert Koch
b) Louis Pasteur
c) George Soper
d) John Snow
e) Alexander Yersin
3. Tuberculosis probably originated as a recognizable human disease
a) in the twentieth century
b) as a result of the industrial revolution
c) in the “New World” and was introduced into Europe as part of the “Colombian Exchange” in the 1490’s
d) in prehistoric times
4. In the US, the number of new cases of Tuberculosis per year
a) was rising slowly but steadily until the mid 1980’s and then leveled off
b) was rising slowly but steadily until the mid 1980’s and then began falling dramatically
c) was falling slowly but steadily until the mid 1980’s and then began to rise
d) has fallen slowly but steadily since the introduction of modern antibiotics
5. The main route for transmission of Tuberculosis is
a) water that we drink
b) fecal-oral contamination
c) the bites of fleas and some lice
d) droplet in the air
e) sexual contact
6. The Bacille Calmette-Guerin (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin or BCG) is
a) the causative agent of most cases of Tuberculosis
b) the bacterium injected into the skin when doing a tuberculin skin test
c) a widely used anti-Tuberculosis vaccine
d) the most virulent strain of the Tuberculosis agent ever identified
7. If you are using a microscope to examine sputum samples that have been stained with the Ziehl-Neelson Stain, you are probably trying to confirm a diagnosis of
a) Cholera
b) Tuberculosis
c) Influenza
d) Bubonic plague
e) Scrapie/kuru
8. John Keats, Fryderyk Chopin, and most of the Brontë family dies of
a) Bubonic Plague
b) Syphilis
c) Cholera
d) Tuberculosis
e) Influenza
9. The number of persons currently infected with Mycobaterium tuberculosis is in the
a) thousands
b) hundreds of thousands
c) millions
d) hundreds of millions
e) billions
10. Mimi, the heroine of the opera La Boheme, dies of what disease? (For the less traditional, Mimi the heroine of Rent is sick with (but does NOT die of) what disease?)
a) typhoid fever
b) cholera
c) influenza
d) tuberculosis
e) bubonic plague
11. Tuberculin is
a) a highly effective vaccine against tuberculosis
b) a widely used, but only moderately effective vaccine against tuberculosis
c) a mild form of tuberculosis
d) the form of tuberculosis seen in AIDS patients
e) a skin test for exposure to tuberculosis
12. In the early 20th century, confinement in a sanitorium was widely used in the treatment and control of
a) typhoid fever
b) cholera
c) influenza
d) tuberculosis
e) bubonic plague
13. AIDS and kuru are difficult to eradicate because the person who gets sick may have been infected many years before any symptoms develop. This is also often true of
a) typhoid fever
b) cholera
c) influenza
d) tuberculosis
e) bubonic plague
14. If your tuberculin skin test is positive, that means that
a) You have been exposed to tuberculosis (and infected by the germ)
b) You have had active tuberculosis at some time in your life (even if not now)
c) You have active tuberculosis now
d) You carry drug-resistant tuberculosis germs
e) You are not immune to tuberculosis (i.e. that you are at risk)
15. The bacterial with waxy (mycolic acid) coats that make them resistant to acid bleaching are most likely to be associated with which disease?
a) Cholera
b) Tuberculosis
c) Influenza
d) Bubonic plague
e) Scrapie/kuru
16. The bacterium that causes Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy) cannot yet be grown in a test tube. But it is related to a bacterium that can be grown in a test tube and causes
a) Cholera
b) Tuberculosis
c) Influenza
d) Bubonic plague
e) Scrapie/kuru