1. The HIV currently responsible for most AIDS cases in the world first entered the human population on which continent
(a) Africa
(b) Asia
(c) Europe
(d) North America
(e) South America
2. Viruses like HIV are called retroviruses because
(a) They make RNA from DNA
(b) They make DNA from RNA
(c) They cause cancer
(d) They cause a collection of diseases, some of which are only indirectly caused by the virus
(e) They have long latent periods
3. In 1982, the CDC MMWR reported the first AIDS case resulting from a blood transfusion and updated the status of five other cases in hemophiliacs. This first public announcement that AIDS might be in the nation’s blood supply led the large blood banks located on the East Coast to immediately
(a) Stop collecting blood from homosexual men
(b) Destroy all blood currently on hand
(c) Stop all transfusions until the blood could be tested for HIV
(d) Deny that there was any problem with the blood supply
(e) Begin testing the blood for hepatitis as a surrogate marker for HIV
4. In general, the env genes that encode the envelope proteins determine
(a) What cells a virus can infect
(b) What kind of nucleic acid a virus will have (DNA or RNA)
(c) How many pieces large proteins get cut up into
(d) The speed with which the virus will copy its nucleic acids
(e) Whether viral DNA can be integrated into the host chromosomes
5. When an antibody bound on the surface of a mature B-cell binds to an antigen that it recognizes, which of these is likely to be the first to happen?
(a) The B-cell secretes chemicals that cause a proliferation of that B-cell
(b) Any T-cell in the vicinity will begin to divide aggressively
(c) All the macrophages in the area will become much more active in eating
(d) The antigen will be passed to a “self” (MHC) molecule for antigen presentation
(e) The B-cell will commit suicide (undergo apoptosis)
6. In persons infected with HIV, Pneumocystis carinii causes
(a) Night sweats
(b) Pneumonia
(c) A rare form of cancer
(d) Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph glands)
(e) Destruction of a certain class of T Lymphocytes
7. The continent with the most persons infected with HIV at the present time is
(a) Africa
(b) Asia
(c) Europe
(d) North America
(e) South America
8. The cells that secrete the chemicals that lead to clonal expansion of cells in the immune response are
(a) T4 helper cells
(b) T8 killer cells
(c) B cells
(d) Macrophages
(e) Mast cells
9. A Western Blot is designed to detect specific
(a) DNA’s
(b) RNA’s
(c) Proteins
(d) Lipids
(e) Polysaccharides
10. The HIV most common in the world today is probably a mutant form of a virus that originally came from
(a) Plants
(b) Laboratory mice or rats
(c) Domesticated cattle
(d) Chimpanzees
(e) Birds
11. The best synonym for the capsid of a virus might be its
(a) Receptor
(b) Nucleic acid
(c) Protease
(d) Core
(e) Shell
12. The shuffling and splicing that leads to a unique “self” molecule differs from the shuffling and splicing that leads to a huge diversity of possible antibody responses within an individual in that
(a) The former happens early during embryonic development and the latter happens much later
(b) The former happens much later then the latter
(c) Both happen very early, but the latter is more extensive
(d) Both happen very early, but the former is more extensive
(e) Both happen only during the first few months after birth but the latter is more extensive
13. In Michigan, the law requires the reporting of the name of HIV positive persons to
(a) Local police forces
(b) State police force
(c) Local hospitals
(d) County health department
(e) State health department
14. You would most likely be referred to as a “Patient Zero” if
(a) You were the first person in the chain of epidemic transfer of a disease
(b) You were not a patient at all
(c) You were admitted to a hospital but did not have the disease in question
(d) You were a member of a “control” group who did not have the disease
(e) You refused to cooperate in any way whatsoever with those investigating a disease you have
15. Which of these has NOT been suggested as a name for the virus that causes AIDS?
(a) Herpes simplex virus
(b) Human immunodeficiency virus
(c) Human T-cell leukemia virus
(d) Lymphadenopathy-associated virus
16. Randy Shilts’ book And the Band Played On chronicles events that took place during the first half of
(a) The 1950’s
(b) The 1960’s
(c) The 1970’s
(d) The 1980’s
(e) The 1990’s
17. The common “ELISA” test for HIV detects the presence of
(a) HIV virus particles
(b) HIV-specific nucleic acids
(c) HIV-specific proteins (and their relative sizes)
(d) Antibodies that recognize HIV
(e) T4 helper cells
18. The total number of persons infected with HIV since 1950 is between
(a) 100,000 and 1 million
(b) 1 and 10 million
(c) 10 and 100 million
(d) 100 million and 1 billion
(e) 1 and 5 billion
19. The two cell types that are important for antigen presentation are
(a) T4-cells and B-cells
(b) T4-cells and Macrophages
(c) B-cells and Macrophages
(d) T8-cells and T4 cells
(e) T8 cells and B-cells
20. The change in name from GRID to AIDS reflected a change in focus from
(a) The fact that it was associated with the homosexual lifestyle to the fact that it is acquired
(b) The fact that it was a generalized set of symptoms to the fact that it was a specific disease
(c) The fact that it was a global disease to the fact that it was an American disease
(d) The fact that it was an American disease to the fact that it was a global disease
(e) The fact that it had an unknown cause to the fact that the cause was a specific virus
21. Our best defense against viral infections is
(a) Antibiotics
(b) Antiseptics
(c) The presence of mucous membranes
(d) The immune response
(e) A cocktail of Reverse Transcriptase inhibitors and Protease inhibitors
22. According to Randy Shilts’ book, Don Francis was the first to assert that AIDS seemed to resemble a cross between hepatitis and the disease caused by Feline Leukemia Virus. Don Francis was employed by
(a) The San Francisco Health Department
(b) Harvard University
(c) The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
(d) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
(e) Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC)