1. Since the introduction of HAART, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections that had been incurable and untreatable have been cured because
(a) Nucleoside analogs like AZT, ddI, and ddC are as effective against CMV as they are against HIV
(b) Non-nucleoside inhibitors of reverse transcriptase are as effective against CMV as they are against HIV
(c) Protease inhibitors are as effective against CMV as they are against HIV
(d) The restored immune system responds effectively against CMV
(e) For unknown reasons, CMV and HIV cannot coexist in the same individual
2. AZT has been proven effective in reducing perinatal transmission of HIV. AZT belongs to a class of drugs known as
(a) nucleoside analogs
(b) non-nucleoside inhibitors of reverse transcriptase
(c) protease inhibitors
(d) integrase inhibitors
(e) CCR5 blockers
3. The French researchers were convinced right form the start that LAV was not an HTLV-type of virus because
(a) HTLV causes lymphocytes to proliferate but LAV causes them to die
(b) HTLV had never been detected outside the USA
(c) HTLV cannot be transmitted sexually
(d) HPA-23 inhibited the proliferation of LAV but not HTLV
(e) HTLV grows in cells from solid tissue but LAV grows in cells from blood
4. In order for HIV to achieve a successful infection of a T-helper cell, the gp120 protein of the virus must interact with the CD4 protein of the cell as well as with another protein (“co-receptor”) which is usually
(a) integrase
(b) protease
(c) reverse transcriptase
(d) CD8
(e) CCR5
5. In the absence of an immune response, a human body
(a) is generally unable to maintain a normal body temperature of 98.6 F
(b) remains resistant to most fungal infections but is susceptible to bacterial infections unless treated with antibiotics
(c) remains resistant to most bacterial infections but still susceptible to fungal infections
(d) is an excellent incubator and food supply for many bacteria and fungi
(e) oozes plasma (blood fluid) is a manner that resembles perspiration and is commonly called the “night sweats”
6. The most common source of new HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa in the past three years is
(a) Heterosexual intercourse
(b) Homosexual intercourse
(c) Injection drug use
(d) Blood transfusion
(e) Unsanitary medical treatments
7. Ayre Rubenstein, at the Albert Einstein Medical School hospital in the Bronx, NY was not believed for a long time when he claimed that
(a) AIDS can be spread by blood transfusion
(b) AIDS is caused by a virus
(c) Babies can get AIDS
(d) AIDS is spread by sexual intercourse, especially anal intercourse
(e) He was not a homosexual
8. Sex education and free availability of condoms has generally been found to lead to an increase in the frequency of early sexual encounters between high school students of
(a) 0%
(b) about 25-50%
(c) about 2-fold
(d) about 10-fold
(e) about 100-fold
9. The Hollywood personality whose diagnosis with AIDS first brought AIDS to the attention of the vast majority of Americans was
(a) Jack Lemmon
(b) Elizabeth Taylor
(c) Rock Hudson
(d) Gregory Peck
(e) Michael Jackson
10. A “Bug Chaser” is a slang term for
(a) an epidemiologist who tracks down the mode of transmission of a disease
(b) a scientist who tracks down the bacterial or viral organism that causes a disease
(c) a scientist who searches for antibiotics and antiviral agents that inhibit of kill the cause of a disease
(d) an epidemiologist who does contact tracing and partner notification of those exposed to sexually transmitted diseases
(e) a person who wants to become infected with the agent that causes a disease
11. In the days before the HIV-antibody test was available, a “surrogate test” for Hepatitis B core antibodies was used by
(a) Irwin Memorial Blood Bank in San Francisco
(b) American Red Cross
(c) Stanford University Blood Bank
(d) UCLA Blood Bank
(e) Several of the larger blood banks in New York City
12. The most common source of HIV infections in the US in the past three years is
(a) oral intercourse
(b) anal intercourse
(c) vaginal intercourse
(d) injection drug use
(e) transplacental transfer
13. Pregnant women who are HIV positive can pass the virus on to their babies. If an HIV positive woman is treated with AZT during the third trimester, delivers the baby by Caesarian section, and does not breast feed the infant, the chances of transmitting HIV to the baby are about
(a) 50%
(b) 24%
(c) 12%
(d) 8%
(e) 1%
14. The disease whose time course of progression most resembles that of HIV/AIDS is
(a) anthrax
(b) bubonic plague
(c) cholera
(d) influenza
(e) syphilis
15. Complete the following analogy: Ed Koch is to Dianne Feinstein as David Sencer is to
(a) Sandra Ford
(b) Mervyn Silverman
(c) Frances Borchelt
(d) Larry Kramer
(e) Jean-Claude Chermann
16. Of the types of drugs not currently available for HAART, which of the following types is most likely to be the next approved for inclusion in the cocktail to inhibit the progression of HIV disease?
(a) Nucleoside analogs
(b) Non-nucleoside inhibitors of reverse transcriptase
(c) Protease inhibitors
(d) Integrase inhibitors
(e) CCR5 blockers
17. Although Kaposi’s Sarcoma is a cancer, its appearance requires a weakened immune system and infection by
(a) a bacterium
(b) a virus
(c) a fungus
(d) a protozoan
(e) some cancer cells from a person with KS
18. The closing of the bathhouses to prevent the spread of AIDS occurred first in
(a) Los Angeles
(b) San Francisco
(c) New York City
(d) Miami
(e) Chicago
19. The number of new HIV infections in the US has held constant for the past 5 or 6 years at about
(a) 400 per year
(b) 4,000 per year
(c) 40,000 per year
(d) 400,000 per year
(e) 4,000,000 per year
20. For most HIV-infected adults, the asymptomatic (latent) phase of the disease lasts several
(a) days
(b) weeks
(c) months
(d) years
(e) decades
21. The Secretary of Health and Human Services from 1983-1985 who repeatedly told Congress that the CDC and NIH had all the money they needed to fight AIDS, even though both agencies repeatedly argues that they did not, was
(a) C. Everett Koop
(b) Margaret Heckler
(c) Henry Waxman
(d) Tim Westmoreland
(e) Donna Shalala
22. Which of these countries has used quarantine of infected individuals as a response to HIV/AIDS?
(a) Zaire
(b) Haiti
(c) Russia
(d) China
(e) Cuba