“Meet an Alum” Fireside Chat

Screen Shot 2014-10-30 at 11.50.48 AMJon Michael Darga, a 2014 RC Creative Writing (honors) graduate, answers questions about how to pursue a creative career in publishing, Monday, November 24th at 7 pm in Greene Lounge. Jon wrote his senior thesis on women and the medieval modern in The Lord of the Rings . He was happily fixated on semicolons and Oxford commas as the editor of last year’s RC Review. Interning with Midwestern Gothic literary magazine and publishing press, Jon co-created the Voices of the Middle West annual festival, organized book tours, and came to realize his love of all things publishing. After attending the Columbia Publishing Course, Jon now works as an agent’s assistant at Park Literary in New York City.ago Reader’s Pure Fiction Issue and Midwestern Gothic, among other places. He is also an editor at the Great Lakes Review where he coordinates the online Narrative Map essay project.

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