RC Senior Jade Wurst was one of 19 Summer Fellows chosen by the U-M Honors Program last summer. The Program “offers the unique opportunity for students to spend a summer in Ann Arbor focusing on thesis work.” A description of Jade’s work on the Honors website says: “As the culmination of her studies in Creative Writing and Literature, her thesis will consist of a poetry collection that approaches sight critically. Of particular importance are power dynamics manifested in sight, relationships between the visual and notions of reality. and ways in which self and exterior are constructed. This collection will draw from Critical and Cultural Studies as well as reflections on sight in varied disciplines. Sight as a line of inquiry came to her attention when she realized how dependent her writing was on it. More specifically, she has come to recognize the photographic quality of her earlier poetry, seeking now to explore and subvert these dynamics. She hopes this project will challenge her as a writer and open new avenues of inquiry.”