This guide is designed to be used by instructors and students to learn about gender neutral nouns, articles, and pronouns.
Students will look at pictures of people and describe the number of people and their profession.
Students will work together on a fill-in-the-blank activity to learn how to ask for personal information, including name and pronouns. They will then have a conversation where they ask these questions of one another.
Students will play a game of tic-tac-toe using photos of emotions. Nonbinary options for emotions will be provided.
Students will listen to a conversation between friends about a cultural event (La Marcha del Orgullo) and fill in the blanks in the transcription of the dialogue. They will then converse with
partners about what they heard.
Students will look at a family tree (with nonbinary and non-heteronormative relationships provided). They will have a discussion about the family tree and about their own families.
Students will watch the video “Un Verano Inclusivo,” read the lyrics, and then discuss what they have seen and read. Confusing vocabulary words and conjugation of the irregular verbs used in the video will be discussed.