The #ShultzSquad Attended #BCCE2022!

Past and present members of the #ShultzSquad met up at the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education at Purdue University. Our group gave thirteen presentations, with several of our group members organizing their own symposia. Thank you for organizing such a wonderful conference, Marcy!

Congrats on Michael and Solaire’s Publication in CERP!

Lab manager Solaire Finkenstaedt-Quinn and masters student Michael Petterson, recently published “The role of authentic contexts and social elements in supporting organic chemistry students’ interactions with writing-to-learn assignments” in CERP. Michael and Solaire show how incorporating relevance of content through authentic context in writing-to-learn assignments can support student affect and perceived student learning. Click on…

Congrats to Paul and Field for Their Latest Paper

Congratulations to Paul and Field for publishing their latest paper Organic Chemistry Students’ Written Descriptions and Explanations of Resonance and Its Influence on Reactivity in the Journal of Chemical Education. Paul and Field worked to undertand how students think about and understand chemical resonance in organic chemsitry using Writing-To-Learn assignments focused on resonance. To learn…

Congratulations to our Collaborators and Group Members on Publishing Their Latest Work on Cultural Relevance!

Our newest paper summarizes years of reflection, collaboration, and hard work! Cultural Relevance in Chemistry Education: Snow Chemistry and the Iñupiaq Community was published in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect special issue in the Journal of Chemical Education.  In this piece, members of the Iñupiaq community, professors at Iḷisaġvik College, and a team from University of Michigan partnered together…

Congrats to Eleni and Jordan on their new manuscript

Eleni and Jordan’s paper, University instructors’ knowledge for teaching organic chemistry mechanisms, is now available in CERP. In this study, Eleni and Jordan interviewed chemistry GTAs and faculty members, during which participants completed three mechanism questions from organic chemistry I exams and evaluated authentic student responses to the same question. Through qualitative analysis of interview…

Blair and Amber are presenting a paper at LAK21

The manuscript Detecting High Orders of Cognitive Complexity in Students’ Reasoning in Argumentative Writing about Ocean Acidification is being presented at the 11th annual Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference by group members Blair and Amber. The full manuscript can be found in the conference’s published proceedings. This work was started by former group members Alena Moon and…

Solaire and Field to speak at MICER 2021!

Group members Solaire and Field will present at MICER (Methods in Chemistry Education Research) 2021!  Solaire and Field recently published an article in CERP describing how CER researchers establish reliability.