
As we’ve mentioned elsewhere, the First-Year Writing Requirement course offers a valuable opportunity for first-year students to acquire many of the “studenting” skills they will employ throughout their time as an undergraduate. Acquiring these studenting skills includes learning how to find and utilize the many resources the university makes available. This page provides a list of links to a wide range of UM resources that you may wish to offer your students, either individually or as a whole class.

LSA Honors Program

LSA Honors
The above link provides information about the Honors program’s curriculum, news, and upcoming events.

LSA Honors Advising
Students can using the above link to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor. From the website: “Academic advisors help to connect the academic experience to the liberal arts experience. Whether you are pre-med, studying history and romance languages, or preparing a thesis in a social science, you will find the assistance you need.”

Sweetland Center for Writing

Sweetland Peer Writing Center
Sweetland peer writing consultants are trained upper-level undergraduates who assist fellow undergraduates of all skill levels at any stage of the writing process, including brainstorming ideas for papers. The peer writing consultants, one of the most valuable academic resources for undergraduates at U-M, work in the Shapiro Undergraduate Library during the summer. In the fall and winter, they work in Shapiro Undergraduate Library as well as in several satellite locations. Visit the link above for hours and locations.

Sweetland Writing Workshop
The Writing Workshop at the Sweetland Center for Writing aims to help students become more confident, skilled, and knowledgeable about writing. This free consultation service provides students the opportunity to work one-on-one with a Sweetland instructor; instructors with expertise working with international students are also available. Appointments must be made online and generally book up about a week in advance, so planning ahead is essential with this resource.

Health and Wellness

University Health Service (UHS)
Located on Central Campus, UHS provides students with both urgent and non-urgent medical care. The above link provides instructions for how students can schedule an appointment online, over the phone, or in person.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS is located on the third floor of the Michigan Union. Students can visit their office to schedule an initial consultation, and can often make a same-day appointment. From the website: “Counseling and Psychological Services is committed to creating an environment based on our values of multicultural, multi-disciplinary and multi-theoretical practices that allow our diverse student body to access care, receive high quality services and take positive pathways to mental health. We also strive to find creative ways of reaching out to students and the UM community to nurture and develop a proactive, renewed sense of engagement throughout the campus.”Open 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and until 5 p.m. Fridays.

Wellness Zone
This excellent resource is located in the Union in room 3100. From the website: Wellness approaches available in the WZ include three state of the art massage chairs, yoga and meditation tools, Xbox Kinect system, biofeedback software, seasonal affective disorder light therapy and Wellness approaches available in the WZ include three state of the art massage chairs, yoga and meditation tools, Xbox Kinect system, biofeedback software, seasonal affective disorder light therapy and other wellness resources. Open 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and until 5 p.m. Fridays.

Time and Stress Management
If students are having trouble managing school from a time or stress angle, a counselor can offer valuable advice and strategies for getting a handle on things. An appointment is required; call 734- 764-8312.

Academic and Technology Support

Reference Librarians at Shapiro Library
The Shapiro Library reference librarians are happy to work with individual students or small groups to help with research projects. You can consult with a research librarian on a walk-in basis, by phone, by appointment, or by email.

Digital Media Commons
Located in the Duderstadt Center on North Campus, the Digital Media Commons offers free introductory-level workshops to students interested in multimedia technology. These workshops are great opportunities to explore tech-related interests. See the link above for a list of workshops with descriptions and information about how to sign up.

Scholar Space
From their website: “ScholarSpace is a place to:
collaborate and connect with fellow students and faculty on digital and technology-enabled projects.

  • collaborate and connect with fellow students and faculty on digital and technology-enabled projects.
  • learn, discover, and explore new ideas, try new technologies, and test new applications of existing technologies for learning, teaching, and research.
  • discuss technology options and get hands on instruction.
  • integrate learning technologies into your curriculum.”

LSA Technology Services

LSA Technology Services’ Media Center (2001 MLB) is staffed with people available to assist students and instructors needing help with tech-related class projects, including video and audio projects. Check out their website for information about how to get help.

Their BlueCorps offers students and faculty “workshops and individual walk-in support for technology and services offered on campus.”

Math Lab
Located at B860 East Hall, Math Lab is a free walk-in tutoring service for students enrolled in math courses numbered through 217. Assistance with other math courses is not guaranteed, though tutors will make an effort to help any student seeking math help.

Science Learning Center (SLC)
The SLC is an interdisciplinary resource center to support teaching and learning in the natural sciences at the University of Michigan. It provides tutoring, study groups, workshops, and other resources. The SLC Main Branch is located adjacent to the atrium of the Chemistry Building on Central Campus.

Extracurricular Opportunities

Ginsberg Center
The Ginsberg Center provides workshops and advising for students interested in community service and social action. Visit the website above to explore the opportunities available through the Ginsberg Center.

Arts Events
This website makes it easy to find a lecture, exhibit, or workshop to attend. The Arts at Michigan link above has listings for music, architecture, literary arts, visual arts, theater, film, and dance.

Student Clubs
The link above leads to a long list of student clubs at U of M. Co-curricular activities like these are known to be an important part of students’ experiences at college!

Recreational Sports
Whether students are interested in playing team sports like basketball or soccer, or like outdoor adventures such as rock climbing or kayaking, rec sports has a club, team, or trip for everyone.

Academic and Professional Development Opportunities

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
From the website: The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program offers several different programs throughout the academic year designed to assist University of Michigan undergraduate students on the Ann Arbor campus to discover the world of research through collaborations with U-M researchers. Students participating in the program are called research assistants and work alongside a faculty member, research scientist or professional practitioner on an ongoing or new research project. Consult with an advisor about this opportunity.

Study Abroad
Studying abroad is a wonderful college experience, and U of M has a number of resources for students considering this option, including help finding financial assistance. Visit the website above to begin considering the possibilities and make an appointment with an advisor to discuss options.

Career Center
The Career Center offers excellent services to help students explore not just career options but also what different majors may be connected to what careers. To see a career counselor, an appointment is required; call 734-764-746