Magnetometry: Before and After

Magnetometric image of the southern tel of Kedesh, 1998.  The outline of what would later be identified as the Persian and Hellenistic Administrative Building is in the lower right (southeast) corner.

Magnetometric map Kedesh 1998

Detailed image of PHAB, prior to excavation.

Magnetometric PHAB detail Kedesh 1998

Plan of PHAB, post-excavation (2012).

Kedesh 2012 master plan

Aerial view of Kedesh, post-excavation (2010).

tel_kedesh aerial 2010

Many features of the PHAB were visible in the magnetometric image, including the basic outline and outer walls of the building, the large open court areas, and the dark spot in the northwest corner which would turn out to be the burned archive room.  But without excavation, the long occupational history and the spectacular and non-spectacular finds reflecting the complex political and cultural connections of the PHAB’s occupants would be unknown.