13. Shelling of train station. Kramatorsk (Donetsk)

13. Shelling of train station.

Kramatorsk (Donetsk)

Featured in The Dial via The Reckoning Project: “Let Retribution Come Soon”

Featured in New Lines Magazine: “An Inside View of a Deadly Attack on a Ukrainian Rail Station”

LOCATION: Kramatorsk (Donetsk)

DATE: April 8, 2022


SUMMARY: An airstrike struck a Kramatorsk train station during a mass evacuation of primarily civilians. Over 150 people were either killed or wounded, many with serious injuries.


The Witnesses of the incident included railway employees, volunteers, coordinators, doctors, journalists, and evacuees, most of whom were present at the time of the attack. This included men, women, and children, all of whom were civilians.


There were anywhere between 1000-4000 civilians present at the railway at the time of the attack, the majority of whom were women, children, and the elderly. At least 162 people were wounded or killed as a result of the shelling.


The shelling of the railway station took place from a distance. The Witnesses were unable to determine the precise length and location from which the attack was executed.

Documentary by The Reckoning Project’s researchers Anna Tsygyma and Nataliya Gumenyuk.
The Reckoning Project. Ukraine Testifies: Documenting War Crimes – Kramatorsk
(starting 1:59)