173. Destruction of civilian car resulting in serious injury and death. Manhush (Donetsk)

173. Destruction of civilian car resulting in serious injury and death

Manhush (Donetsk)

LOCATION: Manhush (Donetsk)

DATE: March 16, 2022


SUMMARY: The Witness and her husband evacuated from Mariupol by car in a large civilian convoy on March 16 through a “green corridor.” While driving through the Russian-occupied village of Manhush, their car was crushed by a Russian Armored Personnel Carrier. The Witness’ husband was killed, while she suffered severe fractures to both legs. After receiving initial medical care in Donetsk, the Witness received further care in Germany.


The Witness of the incident was a retired female civilian and resident of Mariupol in her early 60s.


The Victim of the incident was the Witness mentioned above as well as her husband.


as described by the Witness(es)

The perpetrators were Russian soldiers who wore green uniforms and carried assault rifles. The Witness also noted seeing vehicles with the letter “Z” in the military column.