44. Torture of detained civilians and murder.
Trostianets (Sumy)
LOCATION: Trostianets (Sumy)
DATE: March 16-March 25, 2022
SUMMARY: Russian forces detained, interrogated, and tortured a male civilian in the basement of a train station for 10 days (March 16-25, 2022). Another seven prisoners passed through the basement cell during this time; one was beaten to death and another went missing. They were kept in severely inhumane conditions and managed to escape once Russian forces left Trostianets.
The Witnesses of the incident were male and female civilians and residents of Trostianets. They included a repairman, a factory worker, and people who were unemployed or retired. One of the residents had a history of military involvement. The Witnesses were all aged between their mid-30s and late 60s.
The Victims of the incident include the Witnesses mentioned above, as well as additional victims who were held captive. One of the Victims was severely tortured and died after being refused medical care.
as described by the Witness(es)
The perpetrators were unidentified groups of Russian soldiers who varied in rank and were aged between their 20s and mid-40s. They all spoke with Russian accents.