78. Killing of civilian and burial in mass grave. Yahidne (Chernihiv)

78. Killing of civilian and burial in mass grave

Yahidne (Chernihiv)

LOCATION: Yahidne (Chernihiv)

DATE: March 3, 2022


SUMMARY: The Victim was shot in the head on March 3, 2022, and buried in the village cemetery on March 12, 2022. On April 15, 2022, the body was exhumed from a collective grave and buried properly at the same cemetery.


The Witness of the incident was a female civilian from Yahidne who was not present during the occupation. The Witness is also the mother of the Victim.


The Victim of the incident was a male civilian in his 30s who was originally from Yahidne but had been living in Chernihiv. He was killed by a gunshot wound to the head.


as described by the Witness(es)

The perpetrators were members of the Russian military who were occupying Yahidne. The Witness described one of the soldiers as being of Asian appearance.