Terence Renaud: “Going underground: Subterranean metaphors as a powerful tool of political resistance.”

Is there a renewed underground today for antifascist resistance to survive?  “In our own time, the idea of resistance has a renewed urgency and appeal. But we won’t be able to fight a fresh wave of authoritarianism without appreciating the symbols that animated the antifascist imagination of the past – in particular, the underground. That…

J. Michelle Coghlan: “Afterlives of the Paris Commune”

Coghlan’s book Sensational Internationalism: The Paris Commune and the Remapping of American Memory in the Long Nineteenth Century (2016) recovers the now largely forgotten story of the Paris Commune’s spectacular afterlife as specter and spectacle in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century American culture.

Caroline Wigginton: “Women and Revolution: A Horror Story”

Women’s writing about war:  “The Age of Revolutions, in which women like Abigail Adams and Mary Wollstonecraft were famously writing to demand a revolution in their experiences of oppression, was not an age that could yet imagine a world without violence against women. At best, or more accurately at worst, women could be co-participants, using…

Aleksandar Hemon: “Stop Making Sense, or How to Write in the Age of Trump”

‘The necessary thing to do is to transform shock into a high alertness that prevents anything from being taken for granted — to confront fear and to love the way it makes everything appear strange.  Love the new frequencies; what is noise now will be music later. The disintegration of the known world provides a…